Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Looking in the Mirror

Today I finally saw myself.

As I got ready for the day I pulled my hair up, washed my face, and glanced in the mirror. Normally all I see is the white, bland aspects that I carry , but there was more today.


For the first time, in a long time,  I was looking into the eyes of the person that had been missing. I saw her looking back at me with determined eyes, and a happy small smile. Before today, all I saw of her was a mechanical face connected to a body I didn’t appreciate. There had never been life in that face.

“Where had I gotten so off track” I asked myself, “That only today I finally saw that person again?”

I will tell you, it was a hard road down a dark path. Without even realizing it, I fell into depression. It just crept up on me slowly, like a disease beginning to settle in. It didn’t take long for its icy fingers to consume me and make me think that it was normal. I believed this negative, sad person was who I was meant to be. Thinking that with age, I lost my happiness to childhood.

I was wrong.

So as I stood, gazing at this wonderful woman, I appreciated every aspect of her. I had always been strong, even if I didn’t know it,  and that hard work finally paid off as I left the mirror and brought her with me.

This is why I created the blog today. In the past I’ve tried to express my feelings in blogs, and writing, but it was all negative. How could I be reaching out to people if all I have to say is sad things. No, instead this blog is going to reach out to those struggling with their own darkness and fears and give them hope. Life is tough and unfair, I know that just as much as everyone else, but there is an inner light within each of us that can overcome the darkness in the world. Once you find it, you can do anything, and that’s what I’m going to show  you.

Believing in yourself is a good start to trying to find that light.


A. Willow

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