Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.



This is the word I would like to dedicate to cafe

In life we can feel like nothing. At our job we may feel like an empty person going through the motions. I know today, that was me.

I felt stale, like I was on auto-pilot with no emotion. Just a fuzzy surface that covered my interior. And the day had started off so well at the beginning. But sure enough I slowly drifted into a walking sleep.

I grew upset with customers, irritated when they interrupted a project, and unable to care about my what was happening.

But then life hit me in the face.

I was done with work and I decided to sit down in a cafe. I chose my spot to specifically be AWAY from people, but as I came back there was a couple sitting right next to me. At first I was a little irritated, but when I glanced over,the mid-aged women stared at me. I looked over, being polite to say hello, and that’s when it happened.

She began to talk to me, reawakening my inside. She reminded me that I was a person inside the walking body. I smiled and actually enjoyed her company.

Sometimes all we need is a reminder that our days can be worth living. She brought a smile to my face and that’s all that mattered.

When I am feeling strong, and empowered by my personality I have no trouble talking with strangers, and I want to make it my habit to do the same thing that lovely lady did today.

I hope that I can turn someone’s day around, and give another person hope that life is alright. Not only do we need hope within us, but we also need to see hope on the outside encouraging each and every one of us.

She washed away the grime of the day and made me feel rejuvenated, maybe one day you’ll help a stranger like me too.

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