Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Lessons Given

I’ve learned in life that sometimes we must make sacrifices.

Sometimes its best to leave a situation if negativity is over-clouding you. Your judgment may be under duress if you stay in it for far too long. Making sacrifices to be happy is what we are supposed to do. We must follow our hearts and allow time to heal all the wounds that risk has built up.

I’ve learned that, but I also know that sometimes we don’t have a choice.

Now more then ever I need financial stability, and I am facing the lower end of the totem pole. Not only am I having problems with transportation, but food as well. This is the lowest I have ever been, and it was because I followed my heart.

Now I’m not saying that I regret my choice, not at all. What I’m saying is sometimes life takes you down a road that you may not want to go, but God will always be there for you.

Instead of facing this life crisis on my own I look to my Creator, knowing that he will lead me in the right direction. And if that means going back to the place I left for happiness, well then I know I haven’t learned all my lessons yet in life.

I will be better financially now, and I have been given the chance to prove myself a second time at the life I was living before. I don’t look at it as a negative thing anymore though.

The way I see it is I have learned more from leaving then I have ever by just staying. Risks are something we all should be taking, and I know that no matter what I can make myself happy with God in my life.

Thank you God for all that you have given me, shown me, and the way you are leading me. I appreciate every moment, and I know that even if it’s not what I want to do, later on you will give me the chance to find my happiness.

We must experience the bad parts of life in order to appreciate happiness when the time comes.


A. Willow

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