Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Overpower that Voice Inside Your Head

Why is it so hard to do things for yourself? It’s as if there is this mental barrier that whispers into your ear whenever you are trying to do something productive. It’s luring voice whispers, “you don’t wan to do that. Your too tired to even think of it.”

So you hesitate, right before working out, eating healthy or making a life choice to be better.

Why is this voice there when you know it will make you a happier person?

You know…I’m not sure. In fact I don’t have a clue on why your mind would even want to betray you like that. But the way I look at it is another barrier to climb over.

When that voice tells you “you can’t” then you need to say “I CAN”. There is no reason why that small voice should control you. YOU decide what you want to do or become, not that lulling voice.

And yes, there may be pain that comes with it, but without pain we never learn to see the good in life. We must strive to become who we want to be and that takes sacrifices. Believe me when I say that voice is going through my head right now, but to overpower it is the key.

Keep believing that you deserve better. Keep believing that you control your life. Once you believe in yourself as well as the light of a higher power you can do anything!

Love you all,

A. Willow

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