Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Books are Lessons of Love

Have you ever wondered why you are drawn towards writing? I have a million times, but I know my love for books has transformed me as a person. Every good read sent me on an amazing journey of lessons showing me to love a character, but also to let them go. At the end of books all I want to do is yell at the author for ending it, and if it wasn’t concluded how I wanted it to be I would get upset as well. magic-book

So the lesson today is its okay to get attached to your books. The characters may be imaginary but the emotions you have for them are real. Sometimes you may reread a part just to try and tell the character to change and do something else, because you know something horrible is coming.

Books teach us about love. We can fall in love with the characters or the scenes, or even special phrases, but it also teaches us how to let them go, because if we lived everyday wishing Edward Cullen would come to our door, then we truly cannot live our lives.

This is the same thing we must do with loved ones that have moved on, or we are separated from. We may always hold that person in our heart, but we have to learn and accept that sometimes we have to let go of someone. We must not grieve for the times we won’t have with them, but we must rejoice in the gift of having them at all. Remember the lessons they taught us, or the smiles they shared with us. Because in the end, our love can only grow.

So books are valuable lessons to teach us to let our actual loved ones go when the time  is right. Just remember that everything you do has a lesson with it. It just depends on if you try and make your life happier.

Love Always,

A. Willow

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One thought on “Books are Lessons of Love

  1. Well said,

    ~ Darling


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