Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Empty Canvas

A blank void. Your thoughts of strength falters. I don’t feel sad, or mad, or happy. Just empty. empty-canvas

I ask myself every day how I am doing. If I am living the life I want, or if my happiness level is up to par. I never know, because if I do falter in my attitude I never realize it. How are we supposed to overcome the darkness when it slowly sneaks up on you until your slowly drowning in doubt.

Stress creates a monster inside me. I feel it rising, wanting to escape and send me back into the hole of death. Honestly, I never thought it would be this hard. Love enters my doors frequently and yet I still feel the pull to just stop the world and sit back in the shadows. Do you know what I go through everyday? Deciding if I want to quit or try one more step up the ladder of happiness.

*Shake of the head

I am tired now, and that seems to be my biggest weakness. I want to yell at myself to get enough sleep at night, to eat right, and to exercise because that’s the formula to drag me out of the darkness. But I know I cannot yell, for if I do I will only wind up hating myself and that will lead me even further down the scary road.

No, the lesson today is to accept that life has been hard. Understanding that not every day is rosy, and life isn’t always full of sunshine. I need to lie down tonight, but rise tomorrow wanting to make myself happy, and become the happy person I’ve always known.

We can’t win everyday, but we can try harder the next time.

I love you all,

A. Willow

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One thought on “Empty Canvas

  1. Sometimes you just have to throw some paint on the wall and call it modern art.


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