Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

An Interweaving Life


There is no one straight road for myself in life. Instead there are weaving bends that take me to new places, old acquaintances that lead me down another alley, and family that backtracks my course to be with them.

All of our lives are connected in small ways, but it is always our destinies that stay the same.

Each day we live, we are learning something new, and whether you are staying in one city for the rest of your life, or adventuring every other week, you learn what you are meant to.

Now I’m not saying that we are all, by law of nature, stuck to one reasonable path. In fact I’m saying quite the opposite. We each make our own choices, and through them we dive our lives into a different direction. There are many routes to take, but ultimately it leads us back to the same spot we were aiming for no matter which road we choose.


Birth is a milestone, family another, possibly work, kids, art, scenery….there are these milestones in our lives that we are meant to have, and can thrive on if we can notice what a blessing they are at the time.

So instead of worrying about which route to take, think about what you want out of life, because if you dream about something day in and day out, I believe you can reach your goal. No matter what route you take, your heart will always lead you to that sacred milestone that you’ve always wanted.

I only stress this because this is the exact situation I am in. I want to have a family, I want to be a published author, but for now, I can’t stress out about every step I take, instead I need to thrive on what I want, and soon, I know, I’ll get there. Just like I know you will too.

I cherish you all, and wish you the best for the route of your dreams,

A. Willow

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