Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

I’m Going to Run

I’m not going to cry…

          I’m going to run.

I can change who I’m going to be,

          Not what is already done.

I want to change my life’s worth,

          But with it comes great effort.


I’m not going to cry,

          I’m going to run.

To push harder then ever before,

          Battling the giants we as society can’t ignore.

The sway of uselessness takes my hand,

          And I let it go shouting, “I am the better man.”


I’m not going to cry,

          I’m going to run.

Because someday I know,

          I’ll be worth even more.

I am great, I am special, and no one can tell me differently.

          So as I take that first stride for a sprint, I finish with the gold.

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