Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Shift

Life changes constantly, and at the same time. Whenever something happens, it happens BIG and all together. For a few weeks now nothing new has shown up at my door, and I’ve been stressing over the little things in life like I always have. But suddenly, now that I left for vacation, everything is happening at once. One thing happens after another like a chain reaction.

The dominoes of life are falling and slowly but surely I am getting to the end of that line.

The thing about me, and I’m sure humans in general, is that we like to dwell on things that we cannot control. Our minds surrender to the horrors that we wish we could change, wishing we could change the people we love, or the choices we make. Today, some new things popped up that let me know that change is GOOD. We all must change in order to grow, and that my dear friends is called the shift.

It’s the moment when your life seems to be headed down a dark tunnel with nowhere to go, and then suddenly somebody grabs your wrist and brings you into the light. Your entire life changes all at once, and you begin a new trail.

Don’t fret the moments that change comes. We were never meant to go through the same motions everyday. We are meant to move fluidly like an ocean forever changing and never knowing quite where life is going to take us.

So I tip my hat off to all you brave souls that dive into the ocean and embrace all that life has to offer.

Always your friend,

A. Willow

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