Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Going Day by Day

My heart races with an unknown silence. I’ve never felt this way without wanting to run away. I don’t know what to expect, I don’t know if it can lead to anything, but I do know that if there is any chance of happiness with this person I want to find out.

My nerves are shaky as we meet, I feel like my legs are going to wobble and fall down, but I stand my ground. I give a smile even though I feel weak, and I wait for his response. Could it be meek?

This is too good to be true, and I know soon I’ll be waking from this dream. When will I fall down the dark hole and awake from this? Or is it all what it seems?

I’m like a scared little girl, unable to face my fate. It sucks when you know you want to have your life go a certain way, but life has other plans for you. And so I sit here, and wait, until God gives me the okay, to feel comfortable in someone’s arms, and know we were meant to never part.

So yes, I’m scared, thinking that this COULD be the one, but I have to think of it another way. That all these people, men, that I meet are simply friends I’m getting to know better. Some may be more attractive than others, but I still have to see them as just friends. I CalendarDaysRip560can’t think about who I’m SUPPOSED to be with or what my FATE is, I have to go out there and live my life. Because honestly, thinking about the future only makes you think of the days on ahead, and right now you need to focus on the time you treasure now. So this guy that I’m so nervous to meet. *Shrug. He is just a friend that I’m talking to, and the more I talk to him the more I want to get to know him. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. Wait it out going day by day, and then you’ll see life will happen naturally.

I love you all,

A. Willow

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