Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Why “Sinful” People Keep Sinning

I don’t want to disrespect anyone’s faiths, or the way some people may view God, the creator, or the divine…but today I came across something that sent a long set of problems running through my head.

Here you will see what I found at my workplace. On the front is a million dollar bill sign, and not surprisingly, when you flip it over, it’s a fake. You can read for yourself what it says, and below I will comment on my following thoughts.



Dear Sinners,

I’m sorry that people hate you, and I’m sorry that people push you into the minority and tell you your worthless unless you believe in God. I’m sorry people tell you you’ll go to hell, and that that information should scare  you into believing God. I’m sorry for a lot of things, and maybe I can’t have people stop pointing the fingers at you and saying that your the reason why it sucks down here on earth….but I can tell you this.

To me, you are no sinner. Sinning is a way for the church to make you feel bad and scared on yourself. I’m not looking at a group, I’m not looking at people who rape or steal, who I’m looking at is you…the individual. I want to tell you in different words, what these other people were trying to say.

God loves you, even though you’ve been through a rough time. Jesus loves you, and he’ll forgive you for any mistakes you’ve made. There is no right way to do things in this world, because we are human, and all of us make mistakes. Including the people that made the fake million dollar above.

I wish I could take your pain away, but I cannot do that. I wish I could make you believe that there is someone out there watching over you, but that is not in my capability either. But I can give you information to think about, and try maybe once or twice when times get hard.

Look deep within yourself, feel the pull of that person that you know you want to be. Can you sense it? The soul that has been waiting for you to notice it? I kind of see it like a conscience sometimes. You know you want to be good, because naturally, our souls are all pure and good.

So once you sense that soul I know every person in this world has, I want you to become STRONG. I need you to do something that is very hard, and possibly, one of the hardest things you will ever do. I want you to stop thinking, stop feeling, and open your heart. For once in your stressful life, try to open that wound that has hurt you for years, feel the love that God has given you there.

I know your hurting in some shape or form, but also know that God LOVES you and no matter what happens, no matter what you do, He will keep on loving you. He won’t send you to hell, but he will keep testing you. It’s your choice to become a better person. Nobody, not even God can make you change, but listen to that soul and know that you aren’t screwed to an eternity of Hell anyways. You will meet God after this life, and you will feel whole and happy no matter what, but the question is can you try to stop what you are doing and try to feel the serenity that surrounds your soul? You can be happy, and your life can get out of the gutter. All you need to do is talk to God, learn to love him through your own experience, not someone else’s. Try to see a white light surround you, because God can keep you safe.

God has helped me overcome my own pain. Having depression isn’t easy, and without finding God during it, I probably would have killed myself. So please, take that moment, because I know that if you really try, from the bottom of your heart, you’ll find someone watching over you.

I love you all, and hope I don’t offend. I’m just trying to help the people who are lost understand that they shouldn’t be scared, but they should want to change on their own if they are going to.

A. Willow

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