Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “May, 2014”

Want to Change Your Life?

If you want to begin changing your life, start by relaxing and emptying your mind off all worry. Yes, I know life is tough, and sometimes it seems like the darkness is forever looming in the nearby presence. But hold still. Before you go to bed every night, try to change one tiny detail. Let go of those worries, and don’t let the stress of the day take control of your dreams. You are a powerful being made for great potential, but you must relax.

Sit in bed, or lie down. Empty your mind of the troubles you’ve experienced or the bills you have to pay. Let it flow out of you, and feel inner peace leaking in. Can you feel it? God’s love encompassing you in all the world’s glory. Our Maker loves you, and will take care of you. The Divine wouldn’t give you anything that you couldn’t handle.

So stop worrying and know that everything is going to be all right. Just…as long…as you…relax.

GuySleepingSofa (1)

Now comes the secret.

While laying down imagine how you want your life to be. Think of the people you are with, the job you have, the sons and daughters that you may wish for, the love of your life standing at your door.

Now feel what that is like. With the very essence of your being, imagine that person standing there and how excited you are. Think about the relief you have when you have your bills paid for and extra money to buy an extra gift for yourself.

It should feel like bliss. Your entire body should be zooming with energy, and your focus solely on what you want to manifest into your life.

You make your own life, by feeling like it is already there.

Doing this before you go to bed is like a restart button, because no matter what happened during the day, you can recharge at night. BUT ONLY IF YOU LET GO OF YOUR WORRIES!

So learn to let go, imagine the life that you want, and feel it with all of your heart.

I love you all, and hope you can start living your dreams.

A. Willow


Find Your Fighter Self

Hey everyone!

I was digging through my old writings and found something truly wonderful. If you watch, hopefully you will see just how special it is to look into your past self, after you’ve gone through a rough patch in your life.

So click on the picture below to be directed to my A. Willow Youtube account.







Hey everybody,

My question for you today is, “What makes us strong?”Strength-Workout

Is it how many push ups we do? The amount of financial stability we have?

Or could it be something more. The experiences we have gone through or possibly what we thankfully didn’t go through.

I’m asking you this because strength isn’t just determined on whats on the outside. Our outside strength can only resemble what is on our inside. There can be very strong and succesful people…but they can put up barriers.

These barriers aren’t a sign of strength, but rather a weakness in their own mind. A person that is fully content with themselves can talk to anybody, not scared of showing them who they really are.

On the other hand some people are ill. You can see it in their face, and the way they hold themselves. They are weak minded, and it drains their body.

Negative energy drains a person, and when you think negatively of yourself, or of others, it will mentally and physically drain you.

Some people can hide it by weight lifting every single day, or adding makeup to hide the emotional scars within…but these are barriers.

To be happy, you must first and foremost become strong on the inside. Think positively of yourself, love your body, love the person you are…

And If you aren’t happy with who you are, THEN BECOME the person you want to be.

Tell yourself, “I am Strong, I am Brave, and I AM going to get through the day!”

Repeat this when you feel weak, but believe these words and soon enough you are beginning your journey to becoming the strong individual I know all of you can be.

Always Your Friend,

A. Willow

It’s up to You


Think of what you want. NOW GET IT!

Don’t hold back,

Go full throttle,

And smile while you’re at it. 78377886



It’s your time to shine.

Take your life into your own hands.

You choose to either stop or DO,

Now no more excuses.


It’s always been up to you!


I love you all,

A. Willow


The Story of a Hero

Some may ask me where I get my inspiration from. The truth is, within. Each day that I write my characters, I make them have hardships and bumps in the road, but I know they will only grow in their experience.

Love is the answer to everything, and my characters, just like myself, need to be overcome by darkness in order to find our inner light.

I created a character who hates mankind. She loathes them. Every day she wishes she could extinguish them because she thinks the world would be better off without their destruction.

But honestly, we all think that at least once  or twice in our lives. Would the world be better off without humans? Why does God let us destroy the earth with our machines and waste?

These are questions that I ponder over…but I’ve come to realize something.

We are one of the very few creatures who can express our love towards one another. We write plays, create ballads, make symphonies, and even film movies because of love. In fact, almost everything we make is from love. Our passions drive us to war, and the love we have for our country. Our love gives us enemies, when your partner was slyly stolen from you, Our love is so powerful that vengeance becomes something easy to fall into….

But we are loving wrong.

We can’t choose to love certain things, because we must realize that God is EVERYTHING! God loves all of us, and somewhere  within you (even if it is hidden) you love God, the Divine, our Maker. If God is everything, how could you hate that man that stole your wife? If God loves us all, why are we committing genocide against the ones that he loves…against the ones that WE love?

Love is a force that is all around you, and it takes some of us a lifetime to find.

I create my characters to become evil, to hate things, to kill, and to dominate….but their growth is the most important part of the story. When they find love, when they choose love over power….that is the moment that we know we are all human. We are all a part of a God realized life…you just have to open your eyes.

Love the souls around you. Stop hating, and start accepting the Divine love into your heart.

I love every single one of you,

A. Willow




Hey Everyone!

So I finally did it. I’ve started my very own Vlog! 🙂 Now mind you I am better at writing than giving speeches, but I still want you to see me express myself. When reading, sometimes it seems like you lose sight of the author, but that’s what I’m trying to prevent from happening.

I hope you enjoy my videos below, and hope they inspire you!

A. Willow’s Youtube Channel

Oh and yes, I am adding a link to my youtube channel or else it would have been more money out of my pocket that I don’t have. So bear with me.


A. Willow


One Soul

Our human bodies cannot handle the pure knowledge of our souls. It overwhelms us with too much happiness and joy that we begin to cry from feeling ONE.

Look Within My Friends!

Look Within My Friends!

Today I took a spiritual journey. I didn’t need to leave my home, I didn’t need to visit a foreign country…I took my journey within.

Out of the day, is there ever a time that your brain is not working? Now I don’t mean being stupid, or you couldn’t believe you couldn’t figure out a problem. What I mean is, have you ever stopped using your brain on purpose to feel the rhythm of the world around you?

It is very difficult, but only if you allow your brain to rule over your life.
So take a second and just feel the world. The swaying grass in the park, the raindrops beginning to sprinkle on your head, the music that a street musician has put his heart into playing for the earth.

Everything is interconnected. We are ONE with God, the soul, and our brain gets in the way of feeling purely happy and full of bliss.

It is your brain that creates depression. You put thoughts into your head saying you aren’t good enough, but it’s your feelings that get you the hell out of there! Use your feelings of love, look deep within you and know that you are loved, and find that journey that I know you can take.

All it takes is a moment to look within, and there you will find an eternity of bliss.

I love you all,

A. Willow


“Go to school” they urge as you walk away, “Get an education!” they remark as raindrops fall on your head, “Don’t waste your life!!!” They warn aggravated with your stupidity….

But it’s not stupid.


Living a life that everyone else wants for you isn’t a life at all. And although an education is wonderful for doctors, teachers, and mechanical workers….it isn’t right for us.

The artistic, and the people of the soul. We live a lie each time we enter that school, knowing that it is getting us farther from where we want to go, but closer to where everyone else wants us.

That is no life! God intended us to follow our passions, not money, and most certainly not fame. The divine works with our souls not against, and for those of you who feel lost and afraid of going out of the norm, know this…

You are loved by the powerful force above us, below us, and WITHIN us. One true soul that carries us in our day to day lives. Love is the feeling that we receive when we listen to our souls and our passions. Our life on earth isn’t about how big a house we can buy, but by how big our hearts can grow and reach out to one another.


Don’t give up hope, don’t drop that pen, and most certainly don’t ever throw away that beautiful painting. God created souls for a reason, and our brains (or common sense as I would like to put it), gets in the way of finding our God realized life. Don’t throw away your life by being unhappy.

Thrive to be Who You Are! Only you know what you’re meant to do on this Earth, just take the time to stop living in our cultures reality, and start living in your passion.

I love you all,

A. Willow

Striking Out Among The Stars

I must strike out. Not in the terms of failing, but giving up my fears of the world and crash into the dreams that I pursue. I must jump all in, figuring out life as I go, instead of knowing everything right now.

It’s time for a change. To become the woman I know of what I am made. I can defeat the darkness that used to consume me. I can live a life that is full and blossoming. I am a new person made.

Pursue my dreams. Pursuing my dreams in a way that only I know what they mean. I can’t ponder on what other people think, or dream for me to make a peak. I throw away their contentment, and I reach for my dream of the stars. tumblr_mqzstdu31B1qessyeo1_500

I don’t hold back. I let go of my fear, and crash into the unknown. I am blinded by sight, but SEE by faith. I feel it in my heart and soul that I am meant to be something great.

I am strong, I am brave, and nobody can tell me how to make my day.


A. Willow

Bee Happy

I am Depression free. I fixed myself. Not by the drugs you’ve dealt.

I found my own way, and yet it is heavens say.743_BumbleBee

I used to think I wasn’t worth it,

And that depression came with the package.

But here I say, “No” to that baggage.

I will not tolerate depression in my system,

And therefore I am clean.

The mind is a wonderful thing,

And I am as happy as a bee.

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