Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Striking Out Among The Stars

I must strike out. Not in the terms of failing, but giving up my fears of the world and crash into the dreams that I pursue. I must jump all in, figuring out life as I go, instead of knowing everything right now.

It’s time for a change. To become the woman I know of what I am made. I can defeat the darkness that used to consume me. I can live a life that is full and blossoming. I am a new person made.

Pursue my dreams. Pursuing my dreams in a way that only I know what they mean. I can’t ponder on what other people think, or dream for me to make a peak. I throw away their contentment, and I reach for my dream of the stars. tumblr_mqzstdu31B1qessyeo1_500

I don’t hold back. I let go of my fear, and crash into the unknown. I am blinded by sight, but SEE by faith. I feel it in my heart and soul that I am meant to be something great.

I am strong, I am brave, and nobody can tell me how to make my day.


A. Willow

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