Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

One Soul

Our human bodies cannot handle the pure knowledge of our souls. It overwhelms us with too much happiness and joy that we begin to cry from feeling ONE.

Look Within My Friends!

Look Within My Friends!

Today I took a spiritual journey. I didn’t need to leave my home, I didn’t need to visit a foreign country…I took my journey within.

Out of the day, is there ever a time that your brain is not working? Now I don’t mean being stupid, or you couldn’t believe you couldn’t figure out a problem. What I mean is, have you ever stopped using your brain on purpose to feel the rhythm of the world around you?

It is very difficult, but only if you allow your brain to rule over your life.
So take a second and just feel the world. The swaying grass in the park, the raindrops beginning to sprinkle on your head, the music that a street musician has put his heart into playing for the earth.

Everything is interconnected. We are ONE with God, the soul, and our brain gets in the way of feeling purely happy and full of bliss.

It is your brain that creates depression. You put thoughts into your head saying you aren’t good enough, but it’s your feelings that get you the hell out of there! Use your feelings of love, look deep within you and know that you are loved, and find that journey that I know you can take.

All it takes is a moment to look within, and there you will find an eternity of bliss.

I love you all,

A. Willow

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