Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.


Hey everybody,

My question for you today is, “What makes us strong?”Strength-Workout

Is it how many push ups we do? The amount of financial stability we have?

Or could it be something more. The experiences we have gone through or possibly what we thankfully didn’t go through.

I’m asking you this because strength isn’t just determined on whats on the outside. Our outside strength can only resemble what is on our inside. There can be very strong and succesful people…but they can put up barriers.

These barriers aren’t a sign of strength, but rather a weakness in their own mind. A person that is fully content with themselves can talk to anybody, not scared of showing them who they really are.

On the other hand some people are ill. You can see it in their face, and the way they hold themselves. They are weak minded, and it drains their body.

Negative energy drains a person, and when you think negatively of yourself, or of others, it will mentally and physically drain you.

Some people can hide it by weight lifting every single day, or adding makeup to hide the emotional scars within…but these are barriers.

To be happy, you must first and foremost become strong on the inside. Think positively of yourself, love your body, love the person you are…

And If you aren’t happy with who you are, THEN BECOME the person you want to be.

Tell yourself, “I am Strong, I am Brave, and I AM going to get through the day!”

Repeat this when you feel weak, but believe these words and soon enough you are beginning your journey to becoming the strong individual I know all of you can be.

Always Your Friend,

A. Willow

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