Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Want to Change Your Life?

If you want to begin changing your life, start by relaxing and emptying your mind off all worry. Yes, I know life is tough, and sometimes it seems like the darkness is forever looming in the nearby presence. But hold still. Before you go to bed every night, try to change one tiny detail. Let go of those worries, and don’t let the stress of the day take control of your dreams. You are a powerful being made for great potential, but you must relax.

Sit in bed, or lie down. Empty your mind of the troubles you’ve experienced or the bills you have to pay. Let it flow out of you, and feel inner peace leaking in. Can you feel it? God’s love encompassing you in all the world’s glory. Our Maker loves you, and will take care of you. The Divine wouldn’t give you anything that you couldn’t handle.

So stop worrying and know that everything is going to be all right. Just…as long…as you…relax.

GuySleepingSofa (1)

Now comes the secret.

While laying down imagine how you want your life to be. Think of the people you are with, the job you have, the sons and daughters that you may wish for, the love of your life standing at your door.

Now feel what that is like. With the very essence of your being, imagine that person standing there and how excited you are. Think about the relief you have when you have your bills paid for and extra money to buy an extra gift for yourself.

It should feel like bliss. Your entire body should be zooming with energy, and your focus solely on what you want to manifest into your life.

You make your own life, by feeling like it is already there.

Doing this before you go to bed is like a restart button, because no matter what happened during the day, you can recharge at night. BUT ONLY IF YOU LET GO OF YOUR WORRIES!

So learn to let go, imagine the life that you want, and feel it with all of your heart.

I love you all, and hope you can start living your dreams.

A. Willow


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