Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “May, 2014”

Who’s to Know?

Who’s to know? Nobody shall see. All is possible in make believe.

Let go of your fears, and enter the dream.

There you can create anything.



A. Willow

Create Your Own Reality

As some of you may already know, I write books. Mind you, I’m unpublished, but I know that with hard work on my end, they will see the shelves soon. I wanted to talk today about characters, and what they mean to us, whether you read, or write them.

A character is like a long lost friend, a sister or brother. Someone you feel so connected with, you feel as if you know everything about them. At least, that’s what it should be like if the writer accomplishes what he should.

I was writing my characters today, feeling their emotions as I wrote, and I realized that these characters are a part of who I am. As an author you must feel like this, to feel like when you breath out your imitating everything that character is. When someone says, “think as if your in their shoes,” you literally feel as if you are them. e0034633_15201439

You begin to tingle with excitement if your character is on the battlefield and their entire essence is about war, you feel relief if a loved one returns if your character feared that they were lost. Everything is so built up that you can’t help but to write or read on.

You are that character, and if you want to think about it this way, it’s like you’re an actor picking up their part to play.

Some people may say I am obsessed with my story and characters, but I beg to differ. They are who I am, the story I am meant to tell the world. They may be fake in “reality”, but in my heart they are very true.

You learn from them, like you would a best friend. That character’s mishaps become your mishaps, and you understand things you couldn’t comprehend before. Books bring us into other worlds, a different reality, but it’s the characters that bring us to believe that life can be different, and that anything we dream up in our minds can become a reality on the page.

This is my escape from my depression, the life I am living now. I ask myself to be strong like my characters, wondering what they would do, and I know they wouldn’t just sulk around.

So the next time someone tells you to get your head out of the clouds and into reality,  just know that you aren’t at fault. You have an imaginative mind, and for that you can create any reality that you want.

I love you all and hope that this little splurge on a page helped you, even if it was just a little.

A. Willow


Why is it so difficult to live the life you want. There is a secret code in this universe and little by little I am figuring it out, but today, instead of following the code, and struggling to get past my ups and downs, all I want to do is give up. I know what I want out of life, I know who I want to be, and it takes a long time to change your life drastically. I believe God will guide me and push me in the right direction, but I am TIRED. I can’t keep being beat down and expected to be my best self every day.

I keep telling myself that I can’t give up. I keep telling myself that there is a reason I am pushing myself.

The lesson today is to believe in the good things even when you feel like the world is against you. Do something that you love, feel like you are flying above the clouds. I know one day I will reach my goals, but today, I need to try harder. Because its our worst days that judge us, it’s those hardships that let us know how strong we really are. Believe in yourself my friends, because when you are in the worst spot in your life, THAT is the only thing that is going to count.

I Believe,

A. Willow

The Little Things

What to do?

What to do?

There is no place for you,

to cower down and hide.

Embrace life.

What to see? What to see?

See the YOU you’ve always wanted to be.

Take away your negative mind,

throw in the thoughts that matter in time.

Tell yourself who you are,

and become the person that’s as bright as that star.

Who to follow? Who to follow?

Follow your heart,

And no one more.

For that is the key to your eternity.

Here on earth, we spend so much time,

Worrying about things that are little, Goodnight.

❤ A. Willow

“I’m BACK!” – My Depression

It’s been harder to ignore. I thought I was ready to take on the world, and no matter what darkness crept in, I would be ready to send it screaming the other way.

fight_your_inner_demons_by_mcrcrazyfan3432-d4nba2sBut I’m draining.

Slowly, my depression is coming back. Not in a terrible extent, but enough to know that I”m not as happy as I should be. I thought I could handle the negative energy overlaying the place that I work…but I was wrong. The thing is, I’m not in a stable place in life, and I’m not doing what I love, that aggravation only meshes with the negative force and pulls me down. I can feel their claws digging into my skin, pulling me until my knees bend.

I’m kneeling.

But I won’t fall.

Before I allow myself to completely be taken by these unseen demons, I have to do what is right for me. Taking a leap of faith in God’s light, and ending the place where I work. It’s killing me slowly to work there, and happiness is no where to be seen.

So I take that step, and I’ll leave that place. I know I’ll be happier that way, and can mend my bruises. The demons will vanish, and I will be the happy person again. I won’t let the darkness win. I AM STRONG.

So to all you others out there who suffer, know that, no matter what, God is out there watching. If you can’t handle something, and it gets to the point where you are sick, LEAVE, but know in your heart that, as long as you believe, God WILL take care of you.


A. Willow

Blurred Vision

Blurry sky surrounds me. My eyes cannot focus. I try to call for help, but my mouth stays shut.

Evil is around me, but not the type that dreads. It’s a brainwash of soaking feelings, into my unresolved head.

Cant you feel the draining, of the negative energy around you?

It’s a glass building, only you can’t see through.

You set your eyes on one thing, but ignore the rest of the world.

You mold into that existence, and no one can pull you out. Nasir-Al-Mulk-Mosque-in-Shiraz-Iran

The feeling of belonging, that once existed, is slowly fading.

Your sense of purpose mute.

The soul hidden within you shouts,

“Don’t give up the good.”


I must let go.

Shed all of the old feelings I have. Let them fall to the ground, and never look back. The soul yearns for another, but I know it will come with time for the one. I am Stronger. I can deal with that hole in my heart. I know its there, but I don’t cry now. I accept its emptiness.

Shed the old life.

My old life of worries and fears. I must drop them from my fingers. I accept my old life has passed, and now I must move on to something that will last. New hope, a new home…I can imagine clearly in my head. Peace surrounds me, and my Knowing grows. I accept my present.

I’ve shed that life.

To know and to hold your future in the palm of your hand. You create it. Dive into your dreams and loving thoughts of what you want out of this world, and grasp it. Tell yourself there is no other way. Tell God that you are capable of what he gives you. You are life, not presence, You are Golden, not choking. Follow your heart, and imagine a world blossoming with fortunes.

You create your own light,

Now Shed. anna-razumovskaya_5_555_640


I love you all,

A. Willow

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