Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Release the Anger

We have all hated someone from our past. It could have been your next door neighbor, the dog walker that always cut you off, or a past lover.

I remember a time, before highschool, when I truly had never hated anyone. I loved everybody, didn’t fight with the other kids…but when highschool came around I began to see how naive that stupid girl had been.

One day, While my sister was dating one of my friends…he broke her heart. I wanted to scream at him, punch him “you know where”, and hurt him for making my sister cry.

Well as it turns out, three years later, I was still holding a terrible grudge where I hated his guts. The funny thing is, after highschool, I have learned that hating someone is a negative energy that only attracts more negativity and doesn’t leave any room for us to grow.


I still hated him.


Then comes the day when I find out he got a job at my workplace. I was SO angry. I cursed and marched off like a little child throwing a temper tantrum.

But here’s the funny part. When I worked with him, he was nice. In fact, he was overly nice, and only trying to help me out with my job. At first I was offended saying “He’s just want to pull a  prank, and soon he’ll be a jerk.” but he never did. He became one of the nicest guys I worked with and soon, after I accepted he was being considerate, We began fist bumping, hooting and hollering, and even random talking buddies.

You see, we hold grudges on our past, but I don’t think it’s the person we hold a grudge towards. IT’s the situation, and I didn’t know both sides of the story. Every one learns in their own ways how to deal with things, or how to end relationships, but I have to respect that is all they know how to do. Should I really blame someone for what happened to my sister?

No, God is all loving, and each one of us are the same soul.

We learn what we have experienced, and therefore, when you have a grudge…you’ve got to let it go.

Besides, once that negative energy is released, you have that much more empty space to fill with positive energy! 🙂

I love you all, and hope you can overcome your fear of forgiveness.

A. Willow

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