Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “July, 2014”

Death of You

Song #3

I can see it coming

To an end,

I can see it coming,

A mile away

But still I stay,

Under your door,

Still I stay


You don’t see me here,

You don’t know I’m- gone

You can’t take me now

You can’t see –me


The road is rough

With only one

The stars are fading

With just me

The beauty

In this world

It’s fading



Oh you know exactly

What you do

You scold and you scorn

What should I do

What should I do


Tears come steaming down my face

Yet you still hit me

Cries and shouts escape my lips

And yet you still hurt me.


Ohh, why would I stay here,

Why would I Stay

What’s the use in having you

If it just makes me bruised


I know its wrong

To stay

And yet, here I am

Among your covers

In your bed

And I feel like I’m dead.


No one told me

To stay,

And I know I’m wrong,

But you feel like a soft touch

When you are gone.


I remember how you once where

And that is why I stay…..

But now’s the time to move on

Escape my death of you….


It’s time to sleep.

Make all the bad days go away.

It’s time to dream,

and allow myself to fly.Cliff_Jumping_by_KatieMoyle

I know that I’m tired,

in this waking world.

So I lay my head down,

and close my eyes.

Once there, I venture,

past the borders of tomorrows,

and I feel a sense of happiness hidden in the burrows.

I smile as I see the great beauty within.

Dreaming of adventures, of smiles, of laughs,

It’s never to late to start,

Making what will last.

There is still a tomorrow,

once you wake from this dream,

now make it happen,

you know what I mean.



A. Willow


Time of Existence

Song #2

Thinking about a time where we exist,

I’m thinking of a place that we both miss,

I’m thinking bout a moment where we shared a kiss.

But nothings gonna matter, after this.

No, nothings gonna matter after this.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….


I’m thinking bout that time where we closed our eyes,

I’m thinking about a place right by your side,

I’m thinkings about a moment when we spoke our love,

But nothings gonna matter after this,

No nothings gonna matter after this.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….


I’m thinking about that time where we confessed,

About the way we deal with our awkwardness,

I’m thinking about that moment, where we said goodbye,

And nothings gonna matter after that,

No nothings gonna matter after that.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….

Sheet of Clouds

I feel good,

Like I’ve been caught up in the wind.

I just let it go,umut ışığı

and feel the Divine’s everlasting flow.


Happy seems to come and go,

never knowing what I’ll know.


Today the sun is shining,

and the stars are bright.

So I’ll smile and think,

“I’m alright.”


Darkness tries to swallow me,

But I know I have light within.

It outshines the darkness,

and nothing can put out my flame.

You see, the sun wasn’t shining,

and clouds covered the stars,

but I saw right through their sheet,

and admired them with my heart.


We choose what we see,

We delve into what we know,

but instead of focusing on the now,

I focus on love and how to grow.


I love you all, and hope you can find a sunny day on a rainy one,

A. Willow

Believing in Oneself is a Necessity

I wrote a post a couple months back, and it made me wonder even more.

If you don’t remember, “Create your own Reality” you may certainly click on it to brush up.

I was writing a post about how you can create your own reality, and I created mine through characters, but I didn’t necessarily explain why you would want to.

In this world, we are told that reality is only what stands in front of you. Politics, business, money, food, etc. I remember how so many people told me there are too many glass ceilings to be successful and the average person can only get so far…

But what on earth makes us average?

I believe, that no one is average. It doesn’t exist. We are all individuals, with our unique backgrounds, our own way of doing things, special ways of thinking, and it just made me mad to think that people thought, “Yeah well, only a handful of people get to be there, and you won’t make it.”

I brush those words off, because I believe in myself.

To believe in oneself is one of the most powerful gifts we possess. This world is all a trickery of the mind, and if you believe you deserve less, than you are going to get less, but if you believe you can conquer anything… you are going to do great things in this world!

My mother once told me that my dreams are important. That they show us who we want to be, and what we are struggling with. It is true that our dreams show us exactly who we are, but so are our waking dreams. If you feel the urge to learn to play the guitar, THEN LEARN! No one is stopping you, but YOU.

You are the person that limits yourself to living a certain life, you are the person who stops your dreams.

If you blame it on other people, your bosses, instructors, SCREW THEM! Don’t listen to them, and I MEAN IT. God didn’t create humans to rule over others. We are individual souls, and you get to decide where you go in life, what you do.

If you have the excuse, “Yeah, well I’ve believed it all my life, and it still hasn’t found me.”

My answer is, “Have you tried taking chances, making every opportunity you can to get there?” if the answer is no, that’s your problem.

You must believe and act. Fully attempting to BE that person that you want to be. God isn’t just going to hand you something if you don’t try. Yes he loves you, but we are put on this earth to learn, and if we are handed EVERYTHING how are we ever supposed to learn?

So take that first step today, whether it be learning to knit, skydiving, being an actor. JUST DO IT. (I know a NIKE quote).

No one is stopping you but you.

I believe in you, your loved ones believe in you, now you need to believe in you! I know you can do it. All of us have the capability to rise out of the norm and make everything we imagined possible.

You are a special soul to the Divine, and I know they are rooting for you too! 🙂

Believe you can do it and I know, with time, you will.

I love you all, and wish you the best,

A. Willow

The Stars are Screaming

Song #1

The world, seems to be ending

And I, am not pretending,

When I , say I’m losing control.

My life, seems pointless,

In this endless darkness,

And love is nowhere to be seen.

And it takes apart of me

To stand up,

Begin to fight,

NO I won’t give up.

It just takes the time,

To use your soul,

To find a place,

Where you find that control.


Oh, The stars…are screaming

The sun, is melting.

And we, start losing control.

Hellfire, Is burning,

Tides, overflowing,

The earth is wasting away.


But still, in the darkness,

We rise and we conquer,

Our fears, and hold our hands.

Together we stand,

Hand in hand,

Together we fight,

The death of man

To lose self control

Means a bitter life,

So stop your worries

Oh stop, your convictions

 JUST STOP, and feel each others Souls.


Sometimes, the stars are screaming

And the sun, starts melting,

And we all, want to lose control

Hellfire, starts burning

Tides, overflowing

And we feel the earth wasting away.


But still, in the darkness,

We rise and we conquer,

Our fears, and hold our hands.

Together we stand,

Hand in hand,

Together we fight,

The death of man.

TO lose self control

Means a bitter life,

So stop your worries

Oh stop, your convictions

 JUST STOP, and feel each others Souls.


The world, isn’t ending

And I’m not pretending,

When I  say, I’m gaining control.

My life, has a meaning,

In the forever growing light,

And love is everywhere I see.

I use my voice to shout

“Stand up,

Begin to fight,

NO YOU won’t give up.

It just takes the time,

To use your soul,

To find a place,

Where I know you’ll find control.”

Shining Soul


                             To find, to see

                      Everything within me.

                    To conquer, To vanquish

                                                       The devil hiding bliss.

I will, I can

Defeat my darkness.

I was, and Am

A shining soul of goodness.

“Away and to Hell”, I wished it.

I can feel it. It wants to break the surface.

I can feel its pull, like a hand weighing me down.

Sometimes I think, this is just the effects…but I’m wrong.

The truth is, I have depression, but the truth is…I don’t.

The more you allow yourself to have depression, the more pull you are going to feel.

So as I sit on my couch, feeling empty and upset,

I will never let it pull me down again.

Away to hell I wish it, and to never return!

But even though I have conquered depression,

the side effects still show.

Each time that it pulls, I glower at it and shout,

“I don’t need you in my life,” and away it goes.

I don’t let it touch me, and yet it still lingers.

Until the day we have full control,

It will always be with us.

So to show you I’m not perfect, and even though I have conquered the dark,

on sad days it still shows, but still, I AM STRONG ENOUGH!

Don’t allow the darkness to sink in, any further than need be.

You are stronger than the mud of evil,

and I know you CAN conquer this feat.

I love you all,

A. Willow

Beauty Within


Too much fat,

Too much skin,

Too much of everything in between.

You aren’t right,

You aren’t cool,

Why would anyone want anything to do with you?


Her makeup sucks,

Her hair’s a mess,

Haven’t you heard of 911 express?

She’s a slut,

She’s a whore,

Who ever gave you permission to soar?

*  *  *


Don’t listen to them,

Don’t you dare look down,

Keep their voices on Lockdown.


They don’t know you,

They don’t see,

The YOU that you aim to be.

I can’t be perfect,

I can’t always be clean,

Nobody’s the spitting image of a queen.

But I must feel blessed

For the ability to see,

the Beauty that awaits deep within me.


The Forgotten Lesson

It’s been a long time.

Over a month now, I have not written one post. I’ve seemed to disappeared from the writing world, and it kills me to admit it.

Time has slipped by. Like a leaf lifted into the current of the wind, and suddenly I’ve been dropped, in a mere moment, a wind_by_rhads-d3heuzpwhole month ahead. I’ve been busy caring for others. Wanting to help, and choosing to spend my time with them…but precious time has been lost. In that one month, I somehow forgot a lesson that is very important to me.

And so, upon remembering it yet again today, I’ve decided to share this forgotten lesson with you.


We can become whomever we wish to be. You make yourself who you are, not God, not your family, but YOU! If your depressed, it’s because you allow that emotion in. If you’ve gained weight, its because you allowed yourself to push just a little less than normal.

Every day, we must strive to become the person we want to be. EVERY DAY, and there are no exceptions. We can’t keep going on living like tomorrow will bring happier moments, that tomorrow you will do an extra set of pushups. NO, how you have to see it is that you are living in the moment…right here….right now, and in this very moment you are choosing to be who you are.

In this moment, you are creating the image that you will become. Yesterdays and Tomorrows are non-existant, because the reality of it is, we are always living in the NOW.

If you think you struggle with depression like I had, or are too stressed, too sick, or too fat to do this….your not. YOU can conquer any course, climb any mountain, and become the person you have always wanted to be. YOU just need to believe that you are already that person. That you are GREAT, that you are FANTASTIC, and that you deserve LOVE, and RESPECT, and you must BELIEVE in yourself. Because from this day forward, from this moment, you create your own change.

Believe in yourself, and truly believe. Feel the love I know you have for yourself, and believe that you deserve better, and that you deserve love and happiness.

It’s all in the mind. A trickery of sorts, but once you see, that this moment is the most crucial moment in your entire life. YOU can do ANYTHING!

I love you all, and hope you can overcome any obstacle you come across. Because I know you can. 😉

A. Willow

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