Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Forgotten Lesson

It’s been a long time.

Over a month now, I have not written one post. I’ve seemed to disappeared from the writing world, and it kills me to admit it.

Time has slipped by. Like a leaf lifted into the current of the wind, and suddenly I’ve been dropped, in a mere moment, a wind_by_rhads-d3heuzpwhole month ahead. I’ve been busy caring for others. Wanting to help, and choosing to spend my time with them…but precious time has been lost. In that one month, I somehow forgot a lesson that is very important to me.

And so, upon remembering it yet again today, I’ve decided to share this forgotten lesson with you.


We can become whomever we wish to be. You make yourself who you are, not God, not your family, but YOU! If your depressed, it’s because you allow that emotion in. If you’ve gained weight, its because you allowed yourself to push just a little less than normal.

Every day, we must strive to become the person we want to be. EVERY DAY, and there are no exceptions. We can’t keep going on living like tomorrow will bring happier moments, that tomorrow you will do an extra set of pushups. NO, how you have to see it is that you are living in the moment…right here….right now, and in this very moment you are choosing to be who you are.

In this moment, you are creating the image that you will become. Yesterdays and Tomorrows are non-existant, because the reality of it is, we are always living in the NOW.

If you think you struggle with depression like I had, or are too stressed, too sick, or too fat to do this….your not. YOU can conquer any course, climb any mountain, and become the person you have always wanted to be. YOU just need to believe that you are already that person. That you are GREAT, that you are FANTASTIC, and that you deserve LOVE, and RESPECT, and you must BELIEVE in yourself. Because from this day forward, from this moment, you create your own change.

Believe in yourself, and truly believe. Feel the love I know you have for yourself, and believe that you deserve better, and that you deserve love and happiness.

It’s all in the mind. A trickery of sorts, but once you see, that this moment is the most crucial moment in your entire life. YOU can do ANYTHING!

I love you all, and hope you can overcome any obstacle you come across. Because I know you can. 😉

A. Willow

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