Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Beauty Within


Too much fat,

Too much skin,

Too much of everything in between.

You aren’t right,

You aren’t cool,

Why would anyone want anything to do with you?


Her makeup sucks,

Her hair’s a mess,

Haven’t you heard of 911 express?

She’s a slut,

She’s a whore,

Who ever gave you permission to soar?

*  *  *


Don’t listen to them,

Don’t you dare look down,

Keep their voices on Lockdown.


They don’t know you,

They don’t see,

The YOU that you aim to be.

I can’t be perfect,

I can’t always be clean,

Nobody’s the spitting image of a queen.

But I must feel blessed

For the ability to see,

the Beauty that awaits deep within me.


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2 thoughts on “Beauty Within

  1. A great message. =)

    Liked by 1 person

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