Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Into the Flames

It’s time to confess everything.

My life with depression was hard. I felt like I couldn’t do anything. That my life was worthless, and that it would forever be a waste of air.

But I’m happy to say that after a long mental and physical process. I’ve become stronger. I’ve reached out into the world. I’m finally understanding why I have come here.

Without darkness, how could we ever appreciate the light. Before my depression struck, I didn’t appreciate as much as I should have. I didn’t enjoy each day I have been given.

Now I can.

I’ve struck my own chord. I’m making this world what I want it to be. Full of laughs, full of smiles.

And full of something else.

First and foremost, I will always be a writer of the soul, but I’ve started a new chapter in my life. A new beginning where I have grown past helping myself and I’m finally reaching out to others.

I joined the world of Fire.

That’s right, I’ll be that person running into the flames. A place so similar to the darkness of my depression, and yet drastically different. I’ll be able to risk my life to save another, and this my friends, is the journey I am so excited to start.

Firefighting. Something I never thought I would ever do. I used to be scared of death, of the flames of life, but now, I’m not. Fear is only an obstacle to overcome, because with God in your vision, and Jesus holding your hand, there isn’t anything you can’t do. And saving lives is a risk I’m willing to take.

The thing to keep in mind is I’m not doing this for fame. I’m not doing this to win a prize. I’m doing this out of love. Love for the other souls out there who are trapped in the same darkness as I was. Even though it might be slightly different, it is still the same concept that an unseen dark force is trying to ruin our lives.

So lets band together, and save what little heart we have. We can outshine the darkness 100/1. Light is so much brighter than the abyss of this life. And while I wait for more to come, I guess I’ll pick up my feet, spread my heart out wide, and help those people who are crying for help.

Help one another, that is my message today.

I love you all,

A. Willow

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8 thoughts on “Into the Flames

  1. great story! You will be answer to many questions if you keep writing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Stars shine brightest in the dark” <3L

    Liked by 1 person

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