Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Are You Smart? …Or Am I?

Today is a competition of the brains. 953123201_a0383e7642

What defines being smart?

If I mention a doctor, or a scientist, immediately you will think “Oh, that person is really smart.”

But are they really?

Now I don’t mean to offend any individual pertaining to the “smart groups”, because they are smart…it’s just a matter of definition.

I believe there is more than one way to be smart in this world. One is to study your butt off, and do well in school, and get a beautiful degree, and then another and another.

But another way is motor skills smart. Can you remember how to throw a ball a certain way, catch a ball in your hand at the tips? With one wrong fall, can you learn to not take the wrong step next time?

And then there is spiritual smartness. Yes I know, I can hear the groans of denial as I type, but honestly, have you ever thought that someone spiritual was smart?
Maybe, maybe not, but lets look into it another way.

Someone who is spiritual, or listens to their inner voice. Are they going to choose to be that doctor for the money, even though their soul is nagging at them to be an actress? Because honestly, which one guarantees you more money?

…which one guarantees you happiness?

A lot of the times today, people pick jobs for money, because its smart financially and for stability.

There’s always been that nagging voice in your head that told you to be different, to not follow the rest of this economic pack that we’re now in, called America.

Did you ever listen to that?

Now I’m not saying doctors are dumb for choosing this profession. In fact, I know many people who were meant to be doctors….but its those few  who weren’t meant to be scientists, or weren’t meant to spend 12 years in school just to become an unhappy 35 year old who doesn’t really enjoy life anymore.

So your job today is to really think about when the last time was that you listened to that voice? It pops in your head often, but over half the time you don’t even realize it.

PAY ATTENTION!!! This is a spiritual way of understanding what will make you happy in life. What you are meant to do. If you feel like a relationship is off, don’t doubt it. If you have always wanted to play the guitar, then go for it.

Today it’s about listening to the genius within. The one that has all the answers, but we choose to ignore it because our brains get in the way. Being smart isn’t about our brains. It’s about listening to your heart and understanding how to shape your life the way YOU want it to go. Not the rest of America.

Hope this helps, and I love you all,

A. Willow

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