Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Sleeping Ghost

“Fight it….FIGHT IT!” I literally screamed  in my head today.

I could slowly feel my eyelids drop, and my mind try to sleep. I was tired even though I got well over 9 hours of sleep the night before. In fact, I went to bed early last night because the depression had slipped in.

You see, it’s been my own fault. I haven’t exercised in a week, leaving myself open to being overly exhausted by my depression symptoms.

I had my sisters wedding, I just started school, and so I guess I got caught up in life and just forgot.

But today, at Noon, I couldn’t help but feel like a nap was the best thing I should do. I mean, I did wake up at 5 this morning to go to work.

“STOP!” I wanted to tell myself, because I knew that this is the first sign that my depression is catching up with me. So as my eyelids began to close and my mind cooed, “Yes Willow, this is what you want.” I sprung out of my bed and ran to the computer.

Writing down my symptoms helps me really focus on why I CAN’T fall asleep.

*Big Sigh
I am forcing myself to stay awake, so that my day doesn’t go by and I’m left with only two hours to do my homework. I say Heck no!
Instead, I’m going to do some cardio, and get my blood pumping, because honestly, muscle training isn’t enough for Depression, you need constant movement, whether it be a bike, a jog, the stairstepper, SOMETHING to get that oxygen flowing.
I may have slept too early last night, but not today. I won’t allow my depression to try and sneak in. This is the best way to deal with it though, to catch the symptoms and do something about it. Don’t waste your life thinking, I’m too tired to do anything, because once you get up and move around,
You’ll be a happy camper 🙂
A. Willow

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