Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Sickness

My eyes seep as I begin to dream. There is no meaning into this realm that I delve. All is forgotten in the world above, and yet here, I shall forget none of.

Then out of dreams you wake, and feel the sickness take.  You’re head will throb, and your stomach convulse, into the light, and still your revolted. The sickness takes your mind, and you know you are unwell, yet still your eyes seep and sleep you shall.

The darkness consumes you as your body rests, but you never remember the dreams you had in chance.

Was it full of woe or full of inner life?

You will never know, for you are sick in the mind.

My head throbs as I wake, “Please God, just end my pain!”

You begin to grow sicker, wondering what you had done,

but back into the emptiness of the day of nothing done.


The dreams are meaningless, and you’ve dreamt so many today, so you pack your bags and say “get out of the way.” You want to leave the sickness behind, but you cannot let go of this inner stride. It holds onto your stomach as you move about, twisting it here or there to cause a drought.

You lift up your hands and scream to the world, but sometimes the best cure is to sleep away the day.

Sleep away the headache, and your aching body. Allow God to mend you in the sleep you have forgotten.


Love you all, and hope you stay healthy!

A. Willow

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