Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “September, 2014”

A Time for Compassion

Where is the compassion?

You know, the thing we sometimes do when another person is hurting or in need of help. The emotion that used to come naturally when we were little and we saw a friend bending over and bleeding on their knee.

What did we do when our friend fell off the road?

We helped them up!

I am so sick and tired of people saying that an individual deserves to be beaten for the things they have done, or deserves to live in the pits of hell. Its completely wrong. Don’t you think those people deserve to be helped? Not pushed back down, not judged…just loved. Because honestly the reason why they are hurting others, or why that person steals, is because its all they know. They feel cornered and they know they have to get out somehow, but they can’t see the right direction.

Yes, you could argue, “Well they should use their brain.”

When drastic times come, drastic measures are taken without thinking. We literally go crazy. I mean think about it. If you felt like you couldn’t turn to anyone, that every turn you took only led you down more pain, that no matter what you did, nothing could go right….wouldn’t you do the same thing?


So take a deep breath, and the next time one of those violent thoughts come up, saying that a person deserves to be punished…think again. We are supposed to be loving creatures, loving people, and all I see is us turning to darkness when another is lost.

LOOK AROUND YOU! We are supposed to be here to help one another. So lift your eyes and see that person isn’t evil…they are a lost soul that needs your help, God’s help, and if we work together we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m disappointed in the world today. There is so much hate for those who aren’t like us. So much jealousy for those who have so much more….

But we are all the same. Lost souls that can be found once we find our inner light. So if you have yours, that’s great, but next time somebody is lost, don’t go accusing them. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given us. It’s our fear that makes us hide from it.

I love you all, just show a little more compassion for the poor souls who feel like they have nowhere to go.


A. Willow

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