Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Moment Has Come

I feel…closure. Like the bottom of a lake, brushing aside the weeds and having them sweep upon the shore for a fresh cleanse.

I feel, solitude. And am whole while doing so. No one can enter who wants to hurt me, and no one can refuse.

I want to live a life of greatness. Living each moment as if it were my last. Taking in each day and savoring that last breath.

I have wisdom, It just take the strength to use it. I can feel it in the core of my bones, and finally, it’s being released into the realm of the mind.

I have heart. The feeling that no other can understand, unless they are loved or have been loved, wait, that is all of God’s hand.


To use what we know, in a spiritual realm, is truly full of bliss. But once we fall into the pits of our minds, that’s when all hell breaks loose. The hounds are hunting, the blood is running, and nothing seems to go our way.

But let go of the mind and heavenly thought enters instead. You feel the vibrations of the earth, you feel the wisdom in each tree. You know that the moment is bigger than you and me, and so you take it in stride.

All is never lost, only found, once we use our hearts and let go of when we are proud. Love one another, and feel their soul, don’t judge them because they are not whole. Each journey takes its own course, some are just faster than the others horse. It tis not a race, for time is non-existent, instead it is an embrace of the impeding moment.

Love all, my young ones, and know you are blessed, every moment you think of Jesus.

A. Willow

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