Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Saying “Goodbye”

I just don’t understand men. One minute they seem interested, the next they are too busy for you. It’s the ones that you seem to really click with too, and it’s very disappointing when they tend to vanish from the face of the earth.

“Oh, I was busy.” Or “oh, my phone wasn’t working” are valid excuses, when it happens once. When it gets to become ten or twenty times of constant avoidance, I think its time to say goodbye ladies.

“Oh, but you’re my dream girl, really, your perfect!” he says to you, and when you respond back it goes something like “Yeah, but those are just words. Your actions are what counts.”


So here I am, still falling for the same guy as last week, even though I swore him off, and yet, there’s something about him that makes me want to believe him.

Now I know better, I’m smart and I can figure out when a guy DOESN’T want to see you. But he says he does all the time.

Ladies, I know it can be hard, especially when you were having fun flirting, but sometimes its best to say goodbye. Give them two, maybe three chances, then if it all goes wrong, then you must have the strength to say it, “goodbye…”

And that is what I’m going to do. Because I am strong, I am independent, and I can handle life with or without him in my life.

Love you all,

-A. Willow

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