Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Walk of Wisdom

It’s weird to think that, just nine months ago, I suffered from my depression. It’s been a long journey of tears, fears, and just riding out the road God has laid out for me.
But I’m happy to say that through trial and error, I have finally found a way to be forever at peace.

It was while I was taking a nature walk yesterday. The leaves had almost all fallen, but few remained of reds and golds.
I was upset. I had really fallen for this guy I’d been talking to, but I knew it was going nowhere. So as I asked God why he always dangled opportunities in front of me, and never actually let me fall in love, I began to realize something. I already knew I didn’t need a man in my life to be happy or successful, but there was this feeling in me of disappointment in this guy, and slight frustration that life doesn’t seem to want to go the way I want it to.
Then it struck me. ..I could feel those feelings buried inside my mind and body, but my spirit was feeling something quite different. I felt peaceful, fully whole even though I was upset. I completely accepted the fact that it didn’t work out and that the single life is what I would keep living until that right moment arose.
That is the first time my body felt so confused but my soul wrapped me in lighted smiles of joy.
This is when I knew that I had finally beaten my depression. I’m completely happy, whole, and I can’t stop smiling every minute of every day. This is the girl I missed so long ago. This is the woman I’ve always wanted to become.
I have no ill will towards the man who made me feel this way. In fact I have nothing to send him but love and admiration.
It’s weird to think that through those forever darkened nights, and growing fears of what I was to become, to finally see that I’m a glowing soul full of light and love and nothing can ever pull me back down now that I feel my pure essence within.

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