Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Shattered Glass


What’s so different between the two?

I don’t understand the transformation taking place.

Could it be, that another has entered, the body of her, and never can she shatter.

Shattering down, glass of the past.

“You knew it would never last.”

So take hold of yourself, and embrace the look.

That girl inside….she’s looking for a hook.

A hook to grasp, as you dig deep inside,

and pull her out,

the girl you hide.

“That’s  right, I’m  talking to you”

The person sitting in plain view.

You aren’t yourself, as you look in the mirror,

so smile for a change and feel the letter.

The letter you write to your soul,

wishing you were whole.

“I’m right here.” you say as you pull her out.

That girl inside of you that you doubt.

Love yourself, and smile a little

It won’t take long until you are in the middle.

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