Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Chances We Are Given

Don’t you hate when you don’t know what to do?

hopes, dreams and goals

Sometimes I get so frustrated, and all I want is for all the answers to be laid out in front of me so I can look over how to live my life. “Should I do this, or should I do this?”, it’s running through my head for what seems like hours. I don’t know how I stand myself, because…it doesn’t really matter what I do as long as I follow my heart.

There have been times, where I am confused. I mean, I chased a boy I didn’t even love, but I wanted to see where it would lead me. It led me down a path of regrets…if only for a moment.

But as I look back at my past decisions, I knew perfectly well what I was doing. I knew I wasn’t following my heart, I knew I was following, lust or pride, or something that made others happy.
I knew they weren’t going to work.

So everyone, take a deep breath, and let all of your anxious feelings about this life go, because no matter what we do, as long as we try to be good, and just, and follow our hearts, there is no wrong path we can take. Our lives, are our own. WE choose the path, not fate, not God, not a coincidental moment, it’s US.

We each need to look inside ourselves, from time to time, and really hone in on what we want out of our lives. Is it living that job, or buying that fancy car? Perhaps, but we all know you want something more.

Family, friends, people who love you. That’s what every soul truly wants. You can achieve to love yourself, you can achieve to find people who love you. It just takes that moment, to breath in and realize, you can’t control everything, but what you can control is your actions. What are you going to do in this very moment? Not tomorrow, not in two months, but right now to take that step  and further your own inner growth to become the person you want to be?

Because my friends, you can’t change your life if YOU stay the same. We all must look deep within ourselves and pull out our inner life. Its the person you are suppressing that is going to plan that big trip, or is going to lose the thirty pounds.

Find yourself first, hone in on your heart, and never doubt those feelings of excitement when you think of something you love.

I love you all, and hope you find your inner flare,

A. Willow

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