Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Regret Nothing. Embrace Everything.

Love. It’s difficult to come by, but when it comes, you never forget it.

For the longest time I kept thinking, “I’ll find someone like him one day. Somebody who’s positive, driven, and loves life to the fullest. Someone I mesh as well as with him.” The one thing I was forgetting is this…

Yes, there are many people who are out there, plenty more fish in the sea, but we are all individuals, and not one of us is the same as the other. Not even close. And what I hadn’t realized is this guy I have fallen so madly in love with, there is no one else out there like him. Not in the way that we connect, and not with all of his beautiful traits. Yes, he isn’t the perfect person for everyone…but he is for me. He’s my perfection, and I have to do something about it.

Love is a curse if you look at the glass half empty. But if you take risks, and embrace the love you have for someone, there can be nothing but good that comes from it. I don’t care if he rejects me, denies me his love, but he needs to know. My heart will never move on unless it sees the glass half full, and I use every opportunity I have to erase all “What if’s.”

I love you all, and remember, never doubt your heart. Never.

A. Willow

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