Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Getting What You Want

What does it take to get what we want in life?

I think this is a huge question for everyone out there who is struggling with their life goals and situations. I know now what I must do, but a lot of people don’t. For one thing it takes a lot of patience, which is something I only recently acquired.  But you can’t be too patient, in where you let life slip by you without even trying.

You must try to strive for your dreams, and when you have an off moment, WORK FOR IT. Life isn’t going to acknowledge what you want and drop you off at the right door. You need to walk there and pick which door you want to open.

The other thing that is huge when it comes to life achievements and living a full life is becoming as positive of a person as you can be. Being happy is the trick to success. Even if you are in the worst spot possible, if you think of all the positive things that happened through the day instead of the negative, you begin to turn your life around and you open doors by doing this.


There isn’t a special formula for making You have success. But these few things will definitely help.

Stay  at it and love all,

A. Willow

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