Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Bleeding Heart

bleeding-heartMy pen bends into the core of my heart.

It cracks and shatters my essence of Being,

But still I live to endure the Bleeding.


The red blood soaks my clothes.

It enters my house, filling the holes.


I left you once…long ago,

In a land where I still had a soul.


bleeding-heart But now I sit here, battered and alone,

For it brings me peace to my shattered soul.


The blood then leaks out the door,

Leaving my wound open to the world.


For what is Life without a Curse,

Of the broken heart at our Birth?


I punctured it myself, you know.

bleeding-heartI took my inken pen and dug a hole.


I felt its tip enter my skin,

And felt the heart of my lover win.


I dug in deeper to escape the pain,

but only left wounding and insane.


I feel myself laugh at my troubled journey,

For it is my insanity that led me to my gurney.


My heart is open to all who sees,

That I am a Sinner naturally.


Is there a way, to end this pain,

Without spreading wider the hole in vain?



MUST I leave him there while I’m in the Darkness?


bleeding-heartFor we are all sinners of the heart.

It just takes pain to end your mark.


You never know until you try,

To end the pain of your heart… and cry.


You stab your heart not once, not twice,

But a million times until you’ve found life.


You enter a world where sorrow ends.

bleeding-heartAnd all you’re left with is ink & your pen.


It all Began with a soaking heart.

Do you think you can end yours and play the part?

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I wrote this long ago, and upon coming across it, I wanted to show everyone this poem. It’s about the pain of love, and feeling alone during depression, and all I had was my pen to keep me comfort and company. At first the pen led me down a negative road of pain and hurt, but soon, that pen turned into therapy, and gave me words of wisdom to not give up.

Even though there is darkness in our lives, we can always overcome it. Don’t hesitate to ask for help, mine was through God, and I know He helped me as I wrote.

I love you all, and remember to smile, for life is beautiful.

A. Willow

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