Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Story of the Cold

It was a cold day. Not from the frost that nipped at my nose, but from a story I’m about to show.

messy hair

The day grew colder as I stepped from my car, and to the coffee shop, where I work, I walked. I went up the steps and in the door. And the store warmed my heart, and my smile grew more. I couldn’t be happier serving coffee and making tea, but then…something startled me.

My phone went off, and who would have guessed, it was that guy I was with…only I thought he was dead. For to me it was over, and to him I was not…he sent me a text that didn’t deserve to be caught.

I read it once, and gagged inside….an anger rose and I wanted to run and hide. How could such anger have visited winter_coffee__by_agnsun-d4o7h7eme here, inside my sanctuary of cups filled, but not with my tears. For he sent me something…that was disrespectful. Not pertaining to a rhythm that I had hoped.

I deleted his contact, and blocked his code. So there you have it…the story of the cold.

For I didn’t bother to deal with this madness he started that would end true bliss. He only sees the body, and never the soul. And so I gave him a cold shoulder, and ended that darkened hole.



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One thought on “The Story of the Cold

  1. I liked the ending.
    “I deleted his contact, and blocked his code. So there you have it…the story of the cold”
    I enjoyed your poetry. Filled with real life and thoughts.


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