Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “November, 2014”

The Way We View

I met this guy once who thought he had it all figured out. He thought he was embracing life to the fullest, and accepting everything that had happened to him. He told me that he is only stronger from his experiences, and that now he looks back and knows he has gotten over the hardships in his life.

But I could tell, he hadn’t. man-yelling-at-woman

He was so filled with anger, that I could see it in his eyes, feel it by his brash actions, and the negative tone he chose. He flung his past right at me, expecting me to feel bad for him, expecting me to sympathize with him…but that isn’t getting over it.

I tried telling him, that in life, we must accept what has happened and make peace with it. He said, “Oh I have definitely  made peace with my past, and I accept it one hundred percent.” but he still had this hate clouding his judgement.

He blamed his friends for betraying him, and leaving him by himself. He blamed his mother for his terrible childhood, and the death of his father for making his life rough. He couldn’t accept the fact that his friends chose another Best-man over him, and he still thought that he had accepted everything.

No, that isn’t acceptance, at all.

Acceptance of what has happened lies deeper than just acknowledging what has been. You must see the results, and allow your soul to accept everything. There is no hate, but rather love for the ones that have done these things to you. You understand that not everything is fair, and that you won’t allow your past to make you who you are. It’s not a time to wallow or grieve, but rather a time to soak in the knowledge that you have the ability to change the future. Right now, in this moment, is the only moment that matters. Not ten minutes from now, nor two days, or months, or years. Acceptance lies in knowing that the past can only harm you if you let it. You can’t let the past make you who you are. Become one with your soul, and feel peace with that. You are a being of pure love, and wasting your time hating others, or hiding your pain behind the hate, is only masking the problem.

Those people misjudged you, or intentionally hurt you aren’t the problem,

You are the problem. For hate comes from within you, and not from without. And that is what you must change. Accept what is, and feel love for the ones that have harmed you at one point. For they cannot harm you anymore as long as you use the power of love.

Love you all, and hope that through my own experiences, I can help you as well.

A. Willow

It’s a Smiley Kind of Day

I decided I’m going to have a happy life. I’m going to laugh with strangers, trust the ones I love, and feel bliss every moment I can get it. There is nothing that will stop me, because I create my own future. Right now, I am ecstatic. I am so filled with life, with love, and this feeling that’s tingling all over making me jump with excitement. It doesn’t matter what people think of me and my smiling face, it doesn’t matter if I am on my own for the rest of my journey that awaits.

I’m going to make the most of each day, and today I am filled with nothing but love for everything that is happening to me. I accept everything in my life, and it fills me with happiness to know that I’m going to be striving for what I love.

Do what you love,10313855_308592435997650_7881289944343573268_n

Be what you love,

And you shall receive love.


Love your friend,

A. Willow

P.S. Don’t forget to smile 🙂

Getting What You Want

What does it take to get what we want in life?

I think this is a huge question for everyone out there who is struggling with their life goals and situations. I know now what I must do, but a lot of people don’t. For one thing it takes a lot of patience, which is something I only recently acquired.  But you can’t be too patient, in where you let life slip by you without even trying.

You must try to strive for your dreams, and when you have an off moment, WORK FOR IT. Life isn’t going to acknowledge what you want and drop you off at the right door. You need to walk there and pick which door you want to open.

The other thing that is huge when it comes to life achievements and living a full life is becoming as positive of a person as you can be. Being happy is the trick to success. Even if you are in the worst spot possible, if you think of all the positive things that happened through the day instead of the negative, you begin to turn your life around and you open doors by doing this.


There isn’t a special formula for making You have success. But these few things will definitely help.

Stay  at it and love all,

A. Willow

The One Who Sees


The One Who Sees

Song #5

I have followed, I’ve tried,

To see the good in me,

But when all is done,

He took the best of me.


He’s the perfect man,

With the perfect plan,

But somehow, along the way,

I got lost from his smiles


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I’m tortured, And torn

To notice the difference,

Between him and me,

But its too soon you see.


He is with another

And even if I tried

I couldn’t pry them apart,

Even with my pride.


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I’ve been broken, and alone,

But still I see light,

Looking past this darkness,

That only wants to hide.


I believe in love,

Even if I’m broken

To see the love in me,

That’s all he needs to see.


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I know now what I must do,

I must break the goddamn rules

To see that happy face

Shine with his grace.


Oh I love you, now

And through the end of time.

Will you catch me, if I fall,

No matter if I’m old.


Its You, and I shall

always be with you.

My heart is yours,

Its now up to you.





Regret Nothing. Embrace Everything.

Love. It’s difficult to come by, but when it comes, you never forget it.

For the longest time I kept thinking, “I’ll find someone like him one day. Somebody who’s positive, driven, and loves life to the fullest. Someone I mesh as well as with him.” The one thing I was forgetting is this…

Yes, there are many people who are out there, plenty more fish in the sea, but we are all individuals, and not one of us is the same as the other. Not even close. And what I hadn’t realized is this guy I have fallen so madly in love with, there is no one else out there like him. Not in the way that we connect, and not with all of his beautiful traits. Yes, he isn’t the perfect person for everyone…but he is for me. He’s my perfection, and I have to do something about it.

Love is a curse if you look at the glass half empty. But if you take risks, and embrace the love you have for someone, there can be nothing but good that comes from it. I don’t care if he rejects me, denies me his love, but he needs to know. My heart will never move on unless it sees the glass half full, and I use every opportunity I have to erase all “What if’s.”

I love you all, and remember, never doubt your heart. Never.

A. Willow

Road of the Cursed



The sands of time whip past my face.

Nothing matters in this race.

All I’ve had,

And All I’ve known,

Are gone now,

On this broken road.


I feel the course sands sink deep

FootprintsinDesertSand-long goodbyeDrowning my heart as we speak.FootprintsinDesertSand-long goodbye floio

Your lips so close,

But all I can do,

Is stare blankly right at you.


You’ve lost all cause,

All the emotions of the just,

And you sit there staring,

Wondering if I’m marring.

Can’t you picture this world without,

Cause and grief,

And feelings of doubt.

Nothing compares

To those blank stares,

Of ever lasting peace…

That is no there.


Take two more steps down that road,

Then ever before.

7696252_f260For if you take two more,7696252_f2604

Its one more than back.

We flit along this challenged path

Wondering how on earth

We are where we’re at.

And yet we curse the day we try

Because of heaven in the sky.

They hurt you so by leaving you dry

Filled with nothing but empty eyes.


Sore is the ways,

Of heaven says.

Nothing matters on the road these days.

You watch as they go,

Amongst the clouds

Entering a world,

Up there,


And yet you mock the very soul,

Wishing to be a part of that brow.

You suppress the being within you dear,

Even though its very clear.

hearts1Your souls want lovehearts1,

That’s all you need,

In order to survive,

The very greed,

Of the earth that’s swallowed humanity

So don’t let go unless you ARE insanity.


You see what you want,

But can’t comprehend,

Your own souls on your beds.

You sleep and dream of beautiful doors,

And yet, these doors you ignore.

So stand tall, and take a final stand,

And deplore your reprimand.


Tell God all the hurt,

That you are feeling,

Even if it’s short.

For upon this earth you are alone,

Unless you are filled with love

And a divinity like a flying dove.

Don’t caste out the sorrow,

Embrace it in the morrow.

It shows that you care

And want something more.

So love all creations

And feel what’s in the air.


Follow to the End

We are meant to live a life full of happiness, joy, and lots of smiles, but where do we get lost along the way? It seems, at least, for most close-up-woman-smiling-natural-big-smile-142019079-opt-400x295Americans, our smiles have been taken by stress, and our joy taken by work. When is enough, enough?

You know, sometimes you have to take a look at your life and realize what is the most important thing. Yes, bills have to be paid, but does what you’re doing make you happy? Are you truly enjoying, with all your heart, what you have chosen for a career? I say let go of your mind for just a few minutes and dive into your heart. Let it out of it’s box that you constantly put it in and allow it to flow out and enter your entire being.

What is it that your heart wants to do, to change in your life? Is it your  job, your family lifestyle, or maybe your relationship? Just look deep into it, and know that we are meant to follow where our hearts go. It can be hard at times, especially if you don’t frequent on these inner growths….but it isn’t far away.

My lesson for you today, is to embrace the love you have hidden from others and yourself, and realize what is going to make you happy. Change can be scary, but regrets are forever. Don’t hold onto the past, let go of what can’t last, and know that if you follow your heart through…you will be rewarded with happiness at the end.

I love you all,

A. Willow


Love’s Everlasting Pour

So many days I’ve spent, thinking of this one person. So many feelings have been hurt for loving this man. I sometimes think to myself that it is better off this way. He chose to walk away….but then why is my heart pouring?

I’ve poured so much of my love into my soul, feeling  lost when I’m alone, and with him I am whole. And yet, lately, he has been fake, hiding away his guilt and shame. I’m not sure yet of his true name.

Is he the man I’ve poured my heart into, or the man that he fakes to be? Maybe he’s hiding the same feelings, and doesn’t know how to show it. Maybe, I’m the one to be strong and show him what I’ve hidden all along….

I don’t know what to do.

I’ve asked God for his help, and slowly but surely my heart keeps pouring out. Its as if He is to say “Love, and show him what you are made of.” And I must if God is making me feel this way.

But isn’t that what we are supposed to do in this life? Take chances, and follow our hearts. Would I regret never admitting that I am in love with him, even though he is with another?

She makes him unhappy, I can see it in his eyes. She is suppressing his soul, and it fills me with such great woe!

I don’t know what to do….

Be honest?

But that could end everything. Fear wracks my body knowing what it could ruin. Like Rome, it would fall down horribly. And then he wouldn’t be my friend, and he wouldn’t be in my life at all….

I. Must. Stand. Tall.

I need to be confident in my heart. For God sent us on this earth to do nothing more than to learn from our mistakes, love every human being and creature, and to spread our love throughout the world. So yes…I think it’s time, that I finally admit to him, what I have been hiding, for once and for all.

Never give up on love. For love is Strength. And I am Both.

A. WillowSpirit of the Heart

Hand of Light

Sometimes I feel this pent up rage,

Building up inside my core.

All I want to do is scream out my lungs,

and tell Jesus that I am hurt.

For still upon this day,

I’m in love with a man,

and it can’t be that way.

SO I feel the anxious feeling of grief

enter my being,

forever speaking.

I shout out to God,

“Why torment me so?

Why should I give my heart if there is woe.”Hand-of-God3

Then as if he already knew,

He reached out and touched me

right on queue.

He touched my heart and said,

“Fear not my child,

You’re feelings are very mild,

Just let go of the pain,

and enter the sway,

He’ll be with you someday.”

And it was then I knew,

without a doubt,

that Jesus is my savior,

and I am not without.

For upon my door,

there doth stand a man,

heaven sent,

no matter my plan.


I love you all, and Remember, love is difficult, love is blind, and sometimes love hurts, but it’s the fact that we keep trying to love over and over again that shows us that we are strong, and that we follow our hearts no matter how many times we are pushed down.

A. Willow

The Story of a Feared Storm

1612011-bigthumbnailI looked out the window.

Snow covered the land. Nothing green or brown in sight. I raised my hand to the glass, and felt my fingertips melt away the ice. The snow was soft, but with the air blowing in a harsh wind, the world around me looked menacing.

With a sigh I sat  back down, and cuddled deeper into my blankets. The candle was lit of vanilla frost, and all was quiet with just the sounds, of the creaking house with the force from the wind.

“One Day,” I said as I looked past the pane, “One Day I’ll brave that storm.” And I knew it had more to do with my soul, than just a simple walk in the dark.

“Why not today?” said the voice inside my head and I cringed upon hearing it.

It was too cold to go outside today. Maybe tomorrow or the next…

“You are not living.” said the voice.

I knew that it was right.

Scared of the world and what it brought, I didn’t want to face the freezing temperatures. The day was filled with endless possibilities, and I spent it nestled inside.

“I don’t like the cold, I want to stay warm. It’s the way I feel comfortable. Heat is my friend, and it shall never end, the cold that lingers outside.” I tried convincing my conscience, but it didn’t pay heed to me.

You are staying the same, not growing, and you’re doing more damage than me. Why can’t you live unafraid, face the toils of the day. Brave out your storms, no matter the cost, for within you, you have been lost. Strength and growth only come when you battle sin. So take a stand and challenge yourself. Enter the darkness of your true self.”

And there it was, so simple and true. I hadn’t realized I had any clue. But now I know the storm outside, is more than what I see with mere eyes. I took a step up and braced the door, entering a world of fears no more.

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