Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Moon Shine

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It’s been a long time since I talked to you.

Yes, we talked only a few months ago, but I mean really talk.

The last time we were fake, you and I, I couldn’t handle the truth and you denied it.

So why did you come at my door?

Was there something missing you were looking for.

I had this feeling, that you were waiting for me,

to open up, and let out my agony.

But I didn’t.

I wish I had.

Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?

And not to mention the jealousy?

When I see you together, I can’t help but to think,

How I wished you looked at me.

It was that first time that killed me,

and there after, only wounds.

But never shall I be the same again,

I visited the moon.

For in the darkness, you were a light,

that shined so brightly, but it was never right.

For you see her, and I am nothing but dim,

An emptiness in the corner, nothing.

So I wait for the day, that I become your moon,

And I doubt it will come any time soon.

Will I wait for you that long?

Coming to my door?

I’m not sure.

For if another comes, and I can be happy,

I might just take it.

Never have I wanted

A life taken for granted.

If you don’t hurry, I might be lost,

but my heart is always yours,

no matter the cost.

Sooner or later, I know you’ll see me,

but will my moon still be shining on you,

instead of on me?

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