Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

The Restless Dreamer

My hopes and dreams are keeping me up this night. I don’t know when or where these great things will happen, but I know, they shall come. For I embark on a journey of the heart, and soon, I shall play a part, in a play that I had wrote, a millenia ago in remote.

It is not for dreamers to wander endlessly, among the clouds of bliss alone. Instead  it is a doers desire, to conquer the fears of the unknown.

To die, to live, or to perish none other, than with a mighty hand that you can muster. I know I can, and I will indead,

Make my dreams a reality.

Goodnight to all you restless souls,

Someday your world will change

Someday, you’ll be whole.

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3 thoughts on “The Restless Dreamer

  1. This post makes clear to me you have mastered or are mastering the art of writing. I can read confidence and definiteness of purpose in your words and style. I give you a big tap on the back. Of course, your dreams will come true.

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