Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Our own Choice


This segment of blogs is coming to an end. I’ve made it clear that choices aren’t meant to be taken lightly and that we choose to be who we are every single day. But today I want to share with you why. Why is our choices we make right now, more important than any other choices we are going to make or have made.

The reason is it’s in the Now. There is no other existence but right now, this moment, where you see, can hear, and breathe in the air. You can choose to shut your eyes…right now, you can choose to listen to those nearest you, you can choose to walk away.

So what is so important about this, and our choices? The fact that we are given freedom to think and choose is a blessing. We don’t always get our way, and most of the time life isn’t fair, but we can choose to still be happy, to fight and figure out what we really want in life.

God didn’t send us here to tell us that fate overrides all else and we don’t have a choice in the matter. We weren’t made for destruction of that kind. Instead we have a voice, to spread the love that we choose to feel in our hearts every day. So get up out of  that dreary bed, open the curtains, let the sunshine in and say “Today is going to be a glorious day!” And I guarantee you, that if you choose Cto do this, it will be.

Because no matter what happens, no matter what obstacle life puts on our track, Today is going to mean something wonderful because you chose for it to be so, you chose to be happy no matter what.

And that is the Choice-. The greatest blessing to have love and find happiness no matter what life throws at you. I love you all and wish you the very best from the bottom of my heart.

A. Willow

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