Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the month “April, 2015”

The Poem of Paths


You never know what you’ll find.

Maybe a book of poems, or someone who is blind.

But the truth is, we all must go the same road.

We just pass different things,

We notice a different mold.

So the next time you pass that squirrel who chatters,

Don’t forget there is someone out there who matters.

Someone who comes across the path,

You just have to know where to look

Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find where they’re at.

Same Old Song — Carry On

Not much to say, besides…watch out for yourself.

You’re grow’n up fast, faster than most.

We can’t live the same life,

We never could’v been stress free.

So let go of your troubles

And bow down to the wind.

For it will carry you

Upon faith’s wing.


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