Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

About the Girl

This is the story of how I overcame the obstacle of losing myself. We all go through something like this, and I feel that life grants us the gift of finding the person inside everyday. It just depends on if we take the chance to look or to hide away.1653622_215128858677342_951282978_n

For the first time ever, I found that I had depression. The darkness built a hole and I fell in. During that time the shadows ate away at the happy person I had been. I slowly became negative, lonely, and wanting to leave this earth. I often thought of giving up on life and just ending it….but that’s not the story I want to share with you.

My story involves how I found myself. Lifting myself out of that hole was the hardest thing I had ever done. I did it by myself, and even though I felt alone, I found a way towards the light of God, and the happy girl I’ve always known had been there.

If I could give one piece of advice to everyone that I live by every day is that we choose to be who we are. We decide if we give up, or if we fall. Depression may make you feel like you can’t do anything, but if you can find the light within you. You can do anything.

I’m living proof.


A. Willow

6 thoughts on “About the Girl

  1. Hey! My name is Ali and I just created a blog about my depression. I’ll be posting more and writing a whole lot, and I’d love to gain a new follower and a friend! Thanks girl!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are a amazing woman.. I enjoy your poetry and thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi,

    I’m Tokoni, A student and poet. Its nice to meet your I’d like to invite you to my blog, if you’re interested. Thanks!  


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