Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the category “Belief”

To Know and To Love

couple-in-loveWe should be thankful for the times that we have loved. Naturally, the heart isn’t a forbidden place, but through our hard times in life, it’s hard to venture into love and give that precious treasure away that you keep safe.

In our lives we are given opportunities to love. Loving our friends, family, strangers on the street, actions, motions, and even ourselves. The one that is hardest, is to love someone who might not love you back. Maybe an old lover, someone you just met, or a man you have too often obsessively thought about for the last ten years.

I know, it’s hard to let your heart out to those who have hurt you. I used to continuously hide it away and pretend like nothing ever happened, that my feelings aren’t involved. But today, I realized something. I had a dream about my Ex, someone I had been with for four years. No, I didn’t and still wouldn’t want to get back together with him, but he holds a special place in my heart. He’s shown me that love can be short, but it can be real. We both changed, and it’s okay to love someone with all your heart for a little while, but still love them from afar remembering that they changed you too.

So my thoughts ventured on, wondering why I had seen the movie, “Love, Rosie” for it was a movie that represented my love life with a man I had fallen for terribly. Best friends, but timing just wasn’t right, but now I see, that the love was right for that moment in my life to show me what I could feel for someone. even though we will never be together I’m happy to have found him. Now he is different and we have both moved on, and I love the old him.

That’s the thing about love. It doesn’t have restrictions. You love who you love. There is no changing that. Ever!

It comes unnaturally, at times we don’t expect. To be honest I’d rather have loved someone with all my heart than never at all.There is a moral in this story. The moral being that no matter who loves you. No matter who has changed, if it was you or them, loving gives you a glimpse into God. We must accept that love isn’t always right, or that you might love someone who no longer exists. But use that love to find the right love. Use the love you’ve had to know that in the future, you’re going to love someone even more.

Don’t let a few mess ups screw with your head. We are beings of love and even though it might seem like the world is out to get you, or your love life is cursed, just keep loving and someday God will put the right person in your life.

But be patient. Focus on yourself and just keep loving all that you encounter. And don’t let the fear of being hurt get in your way.

I love you, and keep fighting for your heart,

A. Willow

The heart is naturally a forbidden place.

Love isn’t naturally a forbidden place.

A Message to Trust

We are all victims to the unknown. We’ve all dealt with pain, all dealt with sorrow, anger and even death. The truth is, we are creatures of questions. We want to know everything before it happens, but how could we ever learn if God made it that way. We are blessed with hints here and there, feelings that arise to tell us if something is right or wrong. We fall to our own disasters. We can keep choosing to fall down the road of pain and hurt, or we can take the hints God gave us and use them to find a happier fate. We must have faith that someday, our sad experiences and open but healing hearts will see something magnificent. We aren’t living this life just to play it out and have it end. There is a purpose, a meaning to each and every soul on this earth. It just takes the heart to find, the courage to unwind our fate, and jump into faith.

You can do it, because I and God believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself.


A. Willow

Same Old Song — Carry On

Not much to say, besides…watch out for yourself.

You’re grow’n up fast, faster than most.

We can’t live the same life,

We never could’v been stress free.

So let go of your troubles

And bow down to the wind.

For it will carry you

Upon faith’s wing.


The Story of a Baby on the Way


It’s starts as an itch as you pass one. Their bright child eyes looking up at you, helpless…and yet happy beyond compare. You can’t help but to smile back, and wish somehow, you could see the same world they saw. The one where villains stayed in books, and the heroes always won. With love conquering all.

For that is what a child sees. They see love, and they share it with you even if they don’t know who you are.

So here you are, stuck watching that child wave goodbye, and that small piece of happiness you had for a moment vanishes into the brightly lit sky.

You wander through your life, going to work and doing your job, talking to friends and family, and suddenly it hits. Babies seem to be everywhere, in the store, the vet, or in the street. It doesn’t matter where, you just seem to notice them. Like a little  happy disease following you around, their eyes are always on you…smiling.

So you go about your day, worried you’ll be alone for the rest of your life. You toss and you turn in bed, wondering, when am I going to find the one?

So you imagine little “you’s” and how small their hands will be in your palm, and yet…you don’t actually know. You’ve never held a baby yourself, but all you can feel is this raging happiness when you see one, and a simple tear when they go. You want to show them the good in the world and shield them from the bad. Even if they aren’t your kids, you still wish to be like their dad. So on you go, venturing forth into the unknown, waiting for the day they call a wedding to you.

You feel the love of a lovers kiss, and then again you think of this. The babies are swirling in your head, and yet it doesn’t make sense. Why on earth would a baby be of as much importance as this. Babies are hard work, they pee and poop, and sometimes they like to spit up, and cry without a break. So you go along your way, scared of the day, when your wife is pregnant with your son on the way.

You panic and sometimes want to bolt out the door, when you see her scream with raging deplore. She is needy and consistently sick, you don’t understand what has happened in this. So you wait out the months thinking it won’t get worse, but the delivery room brings chaos and a hell of a big hook.

You fear for her safety, and wonder if it was all worth the wait, to see the look on her face, that’s when you’ll stay. Holding that baby for the first time, is like heaven sent to earth. All Sublime. You cannot hold that baby close enough for comfort, you wish to spread joy and smiles among his life, and never let the villains take his might. So you smile with your wife, and sing a song to the tot, and there you find happiness….there you found God.

The Story of the Old


My joints don’t work,and my hip hurts

The old bruises are of my past.

Never once had I thought

That my youth would never last.

I wasted my time upon this earth

Wishing that I had done more with my worth

For my talents lie, in how I touch the sky,

And yet the blindness of childhood took me.

I get out of bed, not once, but twice,

For I’ve fallen and can’t get up.

The bruises on my back are so old now,

But yet, my memories are worse.

There is nothing on this earth

That can make it all better,

Once you’ve wasted away.

So go my loved ones,

Take care of yourself,

Before your bruise becomes your crutch.

My back is fine, my ailment- age,

And my true spirit now lies in the day.

If only I had known that love is what had grown

When we do it God’s way.

I smile now, as I see you there,

Dressed all pretty and nice,

And yet I frown, inside somehow,

Stressing on how you’ll waste it away.

So go my young ones, fly above the trees,

And soar to what you believe,

It’s in your heart, forever marked,

The job that really does please.

I can’t stress it enough my children,

that you worry and bash too much,

And instead of fighting

Over your whining

Just take to steps, and jump.

You move much quicker than I do now,

The old turtle that I am,

But too fast do you fly by the rose,

That helps you appreciate the sky.

Love, and be merry,

From within the heart it starts,

The treasure of all that begins.

For upon the door of your heart,

Is the century of life that wins.

Goodbye my children,

My little ones in thought,

And know this one thing.

The next time you fly by the door,

You may never see the wind.


Lush Green Opportunity= Travel!!!

There has been something big on my mind for the last few weeks or so. Traveling across the country isn’t something I see every year, and it’s something I love doing, but more importantly I want to travel worldwide. Never have I crossed over the U.S. borders even though I live a few hours away from Canada.

With my goals, wishes, and dreams of becoming a full time author, I know the more experience I get with other cultures will expand how I write, as well as the scenery for the locations of my books.

I’ve been wanting to get a passport, but I don’t have the money now, nor will I even be able to go to Europe anytime soon because I’m just making enough money to pay off bills and get food and gas.

But I’ve also been reading these books like Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Dyer, or the Power of Now by Echart Tolle, and their wisdom has shown me that I must imagine that I am already living the life that I want, as though I have been published and have enough money to go on a random trip when it occurs.

I don’t know how to describe my everyday life, but I will say that I think this is going to be a big year for me, and why not travel the world? Why not? Nobody told me I can’t, God never said I can’t make more money for traveling. So I’m going to do it, I’m going to save my money, (very little at a time) and start it for my funds. First a Passport is on the list and then from there I’m thinking Ireland will be the best first foreign country to visit. ireland-travel

There is something so magical about that place. I’ve heard stories from people who visited and some from my own research, but the lush green grass, the boisterous pubs, and the homey atmosphere just seems a perfect match for a rookie traveler like myself 😉

I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hopefully with a little prayer, a lot of effort on my part, and a positive mindset I’ll be able to afford this wonderful urge that has suddenly taken me.

Love you all,

A. Willow

The Story of the Galaxy Key

156892971This is a story of a girl, who vanquished the land of evil lore. She searched far and wide for her hearth, but found it in her birth. For as she stopped, inside her head, she rested and believed the journey was dead. “No more can I face the sorrows of the world when there is endless tomorrows.”

And like a gift, wrapped in a box, something glowed from the palm of her mosque. She looked down upon it with wonder, and soon she realized it and pondered. It was her beating heart in hand, glowing ever brightly, a smile escaped her, she took a stand.

“This is the secret to the universe, I must cherish it for eternity onwards.” So there she found, in her own room, the galaxy’s key to blissful eternity. For we must look within in order to sow, the seeds of life that replenish our souls. Her smile cost nothing dear, and her heart forever fluttered here.

This was the story of a galaxy meeting, one forbidden by contradiction and meaning. But look within the heart you have, and a galaxy you shall hold in your hand.

New Beginnings

f09370702967f000690f6a7067006df1Today is the first day of 2015, a year I plan on being powerful.

For so long I have dwelled in the past, and thought constantly about the future, but when you do that you lose focus on the NOW.

2015 is here and it will only be here for another 364 days. Each moment of this year I plan on making a change.

I don’t have new years resolutions because I know the growth comes from within, and you don’t need a resolution.

It’s a shift. Molding my new life with my hopes and dreams of what my heart wants to do.

I won’t give up hope that there is someone out there for me, and I believe this is the year.

I won’t give up my dreams of becoming a published author, and I believe this is the beginning of my writing career.

There is no set time in when things are SUPPOSED to happen, only when you get up, and work for what you beilieve in is when magical things will begin to happen.

Believe my fellow followers, that is the first key in changing your life.

Changing your year,

Changing you day.

Good luck in 2015, I’m already loving every second of it.

A. Willow


Life is something that we are living, right now, in this very moment. It wasn’t yesterday, or tomorrows journey that truly matter.

Life is a question that we all must face. Is this the life I want to live? Is this where I want to be?

So many times have I changed my perspective on life, and fully accepted “what is” instead of “what could be”.

Life isn’t a mystery to unsolve, its a journey of taking one step at a time.

Leaving your mark on the past, it does change the life you live now, but it doesn’t define you.

Take a chance in the moment, and dare to step off the path you have wandered for so long now.

Is that life different than the life you would have lived staying on the same path?

Yes…yes it is.

3593742385_48a098291eSo today I came up with my own question. What do I want to do…or rather….what does my heart want to achieve. I love people, and helping others, but my heart is still in love with the idea of writing books. I want to show the world that there is no need to fear. That love overpowers all others, and with the Light in your heart, you can accomplish anything. No matter your status, no matter how horrible of a life you’ve experienced previously. The YOU that you imagine yourself to be is only made from your own perception. You need to change that perception to loving all of yourself, loving all around you, and knowing that you can do anything.

We create our own future by living in life, right now, in this very moment. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today. Love is the answer to everything, and until you see that, or rather FEEL the love, you will never be where you want to. You will never truly be happy. And I know, deep down within my loving soul, that all of us, even you, were meant to live a full loving life with light guiding you home.

I don’t know when I should step off the path, but the future doesn’t matter. Right now, I’m stepping, creating a new trail, and leaving only love in my tracks.


A. Willow

Follow to the End

We are meant to live a life full of happiness, joy, and lots of smiles, but where do we get lost along the way? It seems, at least, for most close-up-woman-smiling-natural-big-smile-142019079-opt-400x295Americans, our smiles have been taken by stress, and our joy taken by work. When is enough, enough?

You know, sometimes you have to take a look at your life and realize what is the most important thing. Yes, bills have to be paid, but does what you’re doing make you happy? Are you truly enjoying, with all your heart, what you have chosen for a career? I say let go of your mind for just a few minutes and dive into your heart. Let it out of it’s box that you constantly put it in and allow it to flow out and enter your entire being.

What is it that your heart wants to do, to change in your life? Is it your  job, your family lifestyle, or maybe your relationship? Just look deep into it, and know that we are meant to follow where our hearts go. It can be hard at times, especially if you don’t frequent on these inner growths….but it isn’t far away.

My lesson for you today, is to embrace the love you have hidden from others and yourself, and realize what is going to make you happy. Change can be scary, but regrets are forever. Don’t hold onto the past, let go of what can’t last, and know that if you follow your heart through…you will be rewarded with happiness at the end.

I love you all,

A. Willow


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