Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the category “Poetry”

The Story of a Second Chance

It’s about a second chance,

To fix the wrongs you’ve made.

You aren’t given an opportunity

To just waste away.

So go out there and fly,

And soar above the stars.

You aren’t the person you’ve been made to be

Your the person you want to become.

So lift up high, and grab that third chance,

But don’t let go, oh heaven’s no.

For once you see that it truly is a blessing,

Your eyes are open,

Now fall among the broken.

For in order to climb, you must fall,

And you must strive to become well.

Be the best you, and never let go,

Of that dream in your heart, the one with All.


You are allowed to stumble,

You are allowed to weep,

But don’t let some hurt in the past,

Make you someone who is weak.

You know you better than anyone,

Just follow that simple dream

For that dream is love, and love prevails

Over all that is unseen.


I love you all,

A. Willow


The sun shall rise on days that it’s coldest
The warm rays will peak out over the mountainside
To shine its light upon your head
And just when your thinking nothing can get better
The sun shall encompass you in all its glory.
There may be dark days but the sun will always rise.

The Story of the Song



Flowers bloomed in the meadow,

Where church bells rang of future.

The sunny rays streamed across the grass

And covered all that would never last.

The deer they grazed in eloquence of fate

 But the bear hid in shadows of triumph.

The loon across the sandy lake

moved along with none.


So the church bells sing to the tune in one

With the essence of the meadow’s song.

Life flits by and the world still goes on.

Nothing has ended, it’s only just begun.


The couple stream from the wedding,

Hair flinging and a veil falling to the light.

They prance and laugh, and share a kiss of mirth,

For soon they shall experience birth.


Their beginning as a couple

Is a mystery, but we know they are double.

Twice the heart of love is many,

And too few is love where it is empty.


They come and go through the meadow of time

And soon their child comes of nine.

He sings and dances among the stars

The night has fallen, and there shall be scars.

But the little one doesn’t see,

For the night shelters thee.

Prancing along until the day

He enters God’s hand to say…

“When shall my life begin?

I’ve waited so long.

Never have I felt so empty,

Or lost without the cause of love.

There is no one’s hand to hold

No shoulder to cry upon.

Who shall lift me up,

And who shall I hug?”

Twenty years pass among the land,

Yet still the meadow lasts,

The man who cried to God one day

Now holds a child’s hand.

They laugh and play, and sing a song

Of no worries and no woes.

Instead they sing of fate and love,

In the meadow’s everlasting song.


The Story of the Old


My joints don’t work,and my hip hurts

The old bruises are of my past.

Never once had I thought

That my youth would never last.

I wasted my time upon this earth

Wishing that I had done more with my worth

For my talents lie, in how I touch the sky,

And yet the blindness of childhood took me.

I get out of bed, not once, but twice,

For I’ve fallen and can’t get up.

The bruises on my back are so old now,

But yet, my memories are worse.

There is nothing on this earth

That can make it all better,

Once you’ve wasted away.

So go my loved ones,

Take care of yourself,

Before your bruise becomes your crutch.

My back is fine, my ailment- age,

And my true spirit now lies in the day.

If only I had known that love is what had grown

When we do it God’s way.

I smile now, as I see you there,

Dressed all pretty and nice,

And yet I frown, inside somehow,

Stressing on how you’ll waste it away.

So go my young ones, fly above the trees,

And soar to what you believe,

It’s in your heart, forever marked,

The job that really does please.

I can’t stress it enough my children,

that you worry and bash too much,

And instead of fighting

Over your whining

Just take to steps, and jump.

You move much quicker than I do now,

The old turtle that I am,

But too fast do you fly by the rose,

That helps you appreciate the sky.

Love, and be merry,

From within the heart it starts,

The treasure of all that begins.

For upon the door of your heart,

Is the century of life that wins.

Goodbye my children,

My little ones in thought,

And know this one thing.

The next time you fly by the door,

You may never see the wind.


The Restless Dreamer

My hopes and dreams are keeping me up this night. I don’t know when or where these great things will happen, but I know, they shall come. For I embark on a journey of the heart, and soon, I shall play a part, in a play that I had wrote, a millenia ago in remote.

It is not for dreamers to wander endlessly, among the clouds of bliss alone. Instead  it is a doers desire, to conquer the fears of the unknown.

To die, to live, or to perish none other, than with a mighty hand that you can muster. I know I can, and I will indead,

Make my dreams a reality.

Goodnight to all you restless souls,

Someday your world will change

Someday, you’ll be whole.

Tidings From You

The Change

the shift

the drift

All is meant for you to lift

up your life on your mother’s palms

so go now young ones and sing your song.

The Knife

the sorrow

the pain

All is never too much to gain

You scream and you shout at mother adew

for you thought she’d be the one to give you new

The Life

the challenge

the boat

It is your way to tarry around the mote

for love is within you to share

just open up and let in air



the past

None is meant to last

so go now before you forget

the one voice from god

in your heart


in your song.

A. Willow

The Story of the Galaxy Key

156892971This is a story of a girl, who vanquished the land of evil lore. She searched far and wide for her hearth, but found it in her birth. For as she stopped, inside her head, she rested and believed the journey was dead. “No more can I face the sorrows of the world when there is endless tomorrows.”

And like a gift, wrapped in a box, something glowed from the palm of her mosque. She looked down upon it with wonder, and soon she realized it and pondered. It was her beating heart in hand, glowing ever brightly, a smile escaped her, she took a stand.

“This is the secret to the universe, I must cherish it for eternity onwards.” So there she found, in her own room, the galaxy’s key to blissful eternity. For we must look within in order to sow, the seeds of life that replenish our souls. Her smile cost nothing dear, and her heart forever fluttered here.

This was the story of a galaxy meeting, one forbidden by contradiction and meaning. But look within the heart you have, and a galaxy you shall hold in your hand.

Late is the Hour

4821990613_b77a92ab40_bLate is the hour, from which I stand,

and yet, sleep does not take me to its land.

I curl upon the shores of my bed,

Dreading the time,

Wishing I were dead.


Then a note sounds in the distance,

I hear a stranger noise- insistent.

The bells are tolling,

And ringing in my head

No other form of worry

but dread.


For the time is late, and the bell keeps tolling,

Forcing my brain to spin in a jury.

Arguments arise, as I try to shut my eyes,

And yet no agreement shall come to rise.

The battle begins as I scream and shout

“You’re doing it wrong,

Now just shut up!”

Yet their voices shout back in my head,

never dulling for the words I spent.


Hours pass, or maybe days,

yet the night is still dark

like a haze.

The bells have stopped,

the yelling ceased,

and yet I’m exhausted.

I think it’s time to sleep…

Once Upon an End

There is one thing I would like to say to you before you go.images (2)

It’s not fair that we have to end on different shores.

But it is what it is,

And as far as you will allow to know,

there is no other way,

but to say

“No more”

So a long this separate path that I so choose,images (2)

I’m going to give hell to you.

Tell you the truth of everlasting love.

Peace on earth that is made from up above.

You have changed, and that is fine,

but believe me when I say goodbye,

for within my heart you have stayed,

but now my epiphany of love fades.

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“Once upon a time’s” have to end.

And if it is now, so be it, and mend.

The mend of my broken heart has already taken place,

And I need no fixing to move on in this race.

The race of life that we are living,

Slowly times flows, and yet it’s still ticking.

My place shall be with love all around,

And if you are with her, that is your mound.

My love is already here,images (2)

It just takes practiced eyes to see it clear.

In the warmth of my heart for all around.

I share my love with everyone found.

Take care my friend, for there is always goodbye in the end…

But it’s new beginnings when you know, You shall meet again.

A. Willow

Moon Shine

women dark night moon 1680x1050 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_16

It’s been a long time since I talked to you.

Yes, we talked only a few months ago, but I mean really talk.

The last time we were fake, you and I, I couldn’t handle the truth and you denied it.

So why did you come at my door?

Was there something missing you were looking for.

I had this feeling, that you were waiting for me,

to open up, and let out my agony.

But I didn’t.

I wish I had.

Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?

And not to mention the jealousy?

When I see you together, I can’t help but to think,

How I wished you looked at me.

It was that first time that killed me,

and there after, only wounds.

But never shall I be the same again,

I visited the moon.

For in the darkness, you were a light,

that shined so brightly, but it was never right.

For you see her, and I am nothing but dim,

An emptiness in the corner, nothing.

So I wait for the day, that I become your moon,

And I doubt it will come any time soon.

Will I wait for you that long?

Coming to my door?

I’m not sure.

For if another comes, and I can be happy,

I might just take it.

Never have I wanted

A life taken for granted.

If you don’t hurry, I might be lost,

but my heart is always yours,

no matter the cost.

Sooner or later, I know you’ll see me,

but will my moon still be shining on you,

instead of on me?

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