Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the category “Songs”

The One Who Sees


The One Who Sees

Song #5

I have followed, I’ve tried,

To see the good in me,

But when all is done,

He took the best of me.


He’s the perfect man,

With the perfect plan,

But somehow, along the way,

I got lost from his smiles


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I’m tortured, And torn

To notice the difference,

Between him and me,

But its too soon you see.


He is with another

And even if I tried

I couldn’t pry them apart,

Even with my pride.


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I’ve been broken, and alone,

But still I see light,

Looking past this darkness,

That only wants to hide.


I believe in love,

Even if I’m broken

To see the love in me,

That’s all he needs to see.


Is it me, or him

Who doesn’t see it clear

Is it too soon to decide

To move on with my life.


Could it be, he’s blind,

From seeing the full me,

Could it be He’s wise,

And runs far away.


I know now what I must do,

I must break the goddamn rules

To see that happy face

Shine with his grace.


Oh I love you, now

And through the end of time.

Will you catch me, if I fall,

No matter if I’m old.


Its You, and I shall

always be with you.

My heart is yours,

Its now up to you.





Frozen Road

Song #4


I looked down that road

I rode down that rode

Find that cold


To see a new life

Shine- shining cold


What is the  meaning to stay

Whats it mean to be

Down that road


Following a coat

Down that road


Snow  is winter white

Snow is ever bright


Some may call it God

I will call it fraud


So cold

So slow

Time wastes away

Time for me to stay


Frozen in place

I see my life displaced

Wrong, a turn I took

Wrong, is my life shook


Down that road,

I rode that rode

Time to switch fate

Time to enter the gate


What is the meaning to stay

Whats it mean to be

Am I going the wrong way

Or am I here to stay


Then I formed a light,

Down within, so bright,

I felt inner peace,

As our God did speak.


“Down that road,

You had road,

Tis, not the end

Follow me and bend”


So cold

Inner strife

God is gone

God has left me with no one

But still, I must go on.


Down that road,

I did take

Down the road,

I must change

Make a  bend

Into the unknown

There I saw Jesus show.


But still I breathe of him in

Still breathe him in I did

Breathing in my Jesus,

To keep on going strong


The cold is gone,

As summer comes

What once was once

Is forever none

A. Willow

Death of You

Song #3

I can see it coming

To an end,

I can see it coming,

A mile away

But still I stay,

Under your door,

Still I stay


You don’t see me here,

You don’t know I’m- gone

You can’t take me now

You can’t see –me


The road is rough

With only one

The stars are fading

With just me

The beauty

In this world

It’s fading



Oh you know exactly

What you do

You scold and you scorn

What should I do

What should I do


Tears come steaming down my face

Yet you still hit me

Cries and shouts escape my lips

And yet you still hurt me.


Ohh, why would I stay here,

Why would I Stay

What’s the use in having you

If it just makes me bruised


I know its wrong

To stay

And yet, here I am

Among your covers

In your bed

And I feel like I’m dead.


No one told me

To stay,

And I know I’m wrong,

But you feel like a soft touch

When you are gone.


I remember how you once where

And that is why I stay…..

But now’s the time to move on

Escape my death of you….

Time of Existence

Song #2

Thinking about a time where we exist,

I’m thinking of a place that we both miss,

I’m thinking bout a moment where we shared a kiss.

But nothings gonna matter, after this.

No, nothings gonna matter after this.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….


I’m thinking bout that time where we closed our eyes,

I’m thinking about a place right by your side,

I’m thinkings about a moment when we spoke our love,

But nothings gonna matter after this,

No nothings gonna matter after this.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….


I’m thinking about that time where we confessed,

About the way we deal with our awkwardness,

I’m thinking about that moment, where we said goodbye,

And nothings gonna matter after that,

No nothings gonna matter after that.


Sometimes, We lose all control

Of our lives, After this!

Sometimes, We must just accept,

The fine line, Where we don’t exist,

Sometimes, It’s okay!

Sometimes, It can’t happen!

Sometimes there’s no way.

Sometimes I can’t stay….

The Stars are Screaming

Song #1

The world, seems to be ending

And I, am not pretending,

When I , say I’m losing control.

My life, seems pointless,

In this endless darkness,

And love is nowhere to be seen.

And it takes apart of me

To stand up,

Begin to fight,

NO I won’t give up.

It just takes the time,

To use your soul,

To find a place,

Where you find that control.


Oh, The stars…are screaming

The sun, is melting.

And we, start losing control.

Hellfire, Is burning,

Tides, overflowing,

The earth is wasting away.


But still, in the darkness,

We rise and we conquer,

Our fears, and hold our hands.

Together we stand,

Hand in hand,

Together we fight,

The death of man

To lose self control

Means a bitter life,

So stop your worries

Oh stop, your convictions

 JUST STOP, and feel each others Souls.


Sometimes, the stars are screaming

And the sun, starts melting,

And we all, want to lose control

Hellfire, starts burning

Tides, overflowing

And we feel the earth wasting away.


But still, in the darkness,

We rise and we conquer,

Our fears, and hold our hands.

Together we stand,

Hand in hand,

Together we fight,

The death of man.

TO lose self control

Means a bitter life,

So stop your worries

Oh stop, your convictions

 JUST STOP, and feel each others Souls.


The world, isn’t ending

And I’m not pretending,

When I  say, I’m gaining control.

My life, has a meaning,

In the forever growing light,

And love is everywhere I see.

I use my voice to shout

“Stand up,

Begin to fight,

NO YOU won’t give up.

It just takes the time,

To use your soul,

To find a place,

Where I know you’ll find control.”

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