Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

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The Earthen Treasure of Mystery

The river is wide, and filled with the riches of the world.

We first must venture out into the unknown to get there.

So take a ride upon a magic carpet.

Spin around the flor de lis, and listen to the rain.

Nothing shall ever remain the same.

Fill your imaginary bowl with wonder.

For some day my child,

You will be nothing more than asunder.

Take that quick breath and dive in deep.

To the river of love,

One we don’t feel, but speak.

Our language is all but one of the same,

When you take that trip to the earthen name.

Never remain the same.

The End of Hope


There isn’t much hope.

Or at least, that’s what I’m told.

Look past the dreams that you hide in your sleep.

And wake up to the world of solidarity….the reality.

I’ve been told, that maybe there is no hope.

I must rise on my own hard work and ethics,

Yet still I’ll be crushed by independence.

Too slow is the going. And I’m becoming.

“There is no hope they say”

,….No,  there’s no more pretending.

Instead I believe to be free,

Free  from the prison of my curiosiity.

I’m able, I’m equipped with the gifts that God gave me

I am quick and able to handle democracy.

Can’t you slave away the race.

No more hope, hah, now that is a joke.

For I slave away each and every day.

Believeing in something more, something that I will take.

There is still hope in the world, and the people who live in it.

There is still hope for the Jews, the Bi’s

There is no more hate.

So let go of your worries of hopeless tomorrows,

For today is the day that I believe I can change all sorrow.

I am the future, and I am the one,

Who can cast out our feelings like we have lost.

We have conquered many times before,

And yet still people say, “Hope is no more”

Hope is just a word of disbelief, for you don’t think it,

you feel it, and you’ll know when you speak.

So love the world and if hope is non to deplore.

You’ll feel the future coming will be beautiful once more.

Love and be loved my fellow friends.

 A. Willow


Places I’ll Never Know

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I don’t really know where to go.

Maybe I’ll let the wind take me to a different shore.

Possibly to places I’ve never seen.

Places that might be serene.

But the more I think about it, the more I dread,

what is coming could very well be something else instead.

Could I land among the saints,

or maybe among those who hate?

Maybe life will take me on the shore,

of heaven’s mouth that does deplore.

I don’t know if it will lead me to the good or bad,

but I want to believe its somewhere I dream.

For without my dreams there is nothing.

I’m dead.

But I first must step foot off this land,

and view a different shore.

The Poem of Paths


You never know what you’ll find.

Maybe a book of poems, or someone who is blind.

But the truth is, we all must go the same road.

We just pass different things,

We notice a different mold.

So the next time you pass that squirrel who chatters,

Don’t forget there is someone out there who matters.

Someone who comes across the path,

You just have to know where to look

Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find where they’re at.

Sowing the Seeds of My Life

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I’ve wondered for a while now, on why I haven’t found a man. It’s been at least two years, and nothing serious has even come close to me. It seems as though, any prospects I’ve had…runs in the other direction. And so why is that? I know God has a plan for me, and that with time I will come to understand the flows of time, but I don’t understand the moment.

I’ve been forced to focus on myself, something I tend to do a lot on my own, but I never fully grasped how. I am naturally selfish, although I give greatly to the ones I love, but I’ve learned that in order to be free of worry, you must love yourself entirely and life entirely…as well as what hasn’t come.

I know he is out there, somewhere, amongst the crowds of people that we pass on a day to day basis. Maybe he’s wondering if there is more to life, and maybe he’s thinking about me. For although we haven’t met, and although we tire of the same problems, we both know that something great will come.

And that is our love. In order to appreciate him, I need to fully understand what it means to be without him. Journeying this life on my own.  I can do it…by why would I want to journey without the love of my life. I understand now what it means to be independent. To make sacrifices to be happy, as well as sacrifices to support myself. I understand that our dreams are not handed down to us like a baby with an expectant mother, but rather a fatherly figure shoving us in the right direction on a hard day. So I ask you now, why haven’t I found him yet, and the answer is this.

We both, for he is learning as well as I, aren’t done learning what it means to be without each other. He has dreams he needs to make true, as well as do I. For without our own dreams, our own passions to strive for, than we wouldn’t be the individual we’ve set out to be. So God, yes, to answer my own question, I understand that we must learn before our loved ones come.

Although the learning won’t cease once he is fully apart of my life, we still must take sacrifices of love, in order to appreciate the soul we are given.

I thank you Lord, for I now have faith that someday he will come. I have had my doubts in the past, spoiled troubles with the mind, as well as hard predictions that would never come true, but that’s the beauty of it. Although we want to choose who we get, it is truly You who decides what is best for us, and you know the perfect match, the perfect fit, the perfect soul that shall make our lives more whole.

I thank you, and I must keep my faith. Sometimes I have doubts, but without doubts I would be walking blindly. Let my faith carry me, but my experiences to guide me.

I love you all and hope you find the love in your life.

A. Willow

The Coffee Stop


Sometimes all we need is a cup of hot coffee, a warm fuzzy sweater, and a friend that understands who you really are.

I’ve always been addicted to coffee shops. There is something so raw and real about talking in depth about a persons life. You just want to let everything out, and in that little haven, it seems like all your problems might just disappear.

Today, I met with an old friend, who coincidentally was free at the same time I was. We talked for a few hours and we let everything off of our plate, and I began to realize how important it is to have a friend that understands you, understands your past, and accepts who you are trying to be.

Releasing all of the pent up energy, and talking among yourselves, is one of the most therapeutic things you could do for yourself.

It’s like a magical spell is being cast. One of relaxation of the nerves, and the stresses that you’ve faced before walking into the doors of the cafe.

Good friends are hard to come by, and so when you find someone who understands you and where you want to go. Never let them go. We need company, and without a helping friend to talk to, we can be lost, and never realize how stressed we really were.



The Soul’s Song

I don’t know

3What is happening,3

I don’t know if

It’s right.

But what I do know is that I’m strong

And that I’ll be alright tonight.

Nothing matters in this endless darkness,

Except the light that comes.

It grows from my soul

And fades away into whole

And leaves me with a pure blissful song.

I am the one who changes my future,

I am the one who is strong.

3But it isn’t me that is the problem3

It’s the broken chords in this song.

Forever ago I was so slow

Moving with the whips of time.

Now I float, in heavens boat

Feeling the rays of the sun.

It doesn’t matter what he did

Or who he is inside,

Just as long as I know,

That he is meant be so.

What comes will come,

And all undone.

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Forever and Always

Is it true?

Could I truly be in love with you?

I hate this feeling….

The feeling of pain.

Knowing we can’t be together,

and it’s driving me insane.

Can’t I speak out the words,

to show you that I am nothing but cursed.

I love you _____, and always will.

I’m here for you now and forever still.

Shining Hug

How can it be that I feel so happy when I am around him?

I feel like this giant orb of light hides until He comes around the corner. As soon as I see him the orb comes shining out and all I can feel is the warm glow within me. It’s like a giant hug and he doesn’t even have to touch me.

Love is difficult.

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