Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “angel”

A Message to Trust

We are all victims to the unknown. We’ve all dealt with pain, all dealt with sorrow, anger and even death. The truth is, we are creatures of questions. We want to know everything before it happens, but how could we ever learn if God made it that way. We are blessed with hints here and there, feelings that arise to tell us if something is right or wrong. We fall to our own disasters. We can keep choosing to fall down the road of pain and hurt, or we can take the hints God gave us and use them to find a happier fate. We must have faith that someday, our sad experiences and open but healing hearts will see something magnificent. We aren’t living this life just to play it out and have it end. There is a purpose, a meaning to each and every soul on this earth. It just takes the heart to find, the courage to unwind our fate, and jump into faith.

You can do it, because I and God believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself.


A. Willow

The Ways of Rain

Tears fall like clouds of sorrow,

Raining down upon my head.

All I want is to burrow.

Beneath the earth I should be safe,

And Yet, there is hate.9256174283_87d1487679_b

Inside thyself I feel the pulse

Of something Other that just wants to burst.

“Stop” I cry, “Stop it now!”

But its too late,

My heart soars to the sky.

There I see the sorrow in me,

And upon the heavens that did look down.

They sing, “My child, my child, why do you go about

Hating yourself and filling with doubt?”

I smile back at the angels above,

“I’m human, there is no other way.”

They look at me and laugh their beautiful song,

“Love is the way of all things this day.”

Without another word they send me back down,

To the place where I can be found.

Both between Heaven and of Hell.

Now I see my ways,

Now I see me.

And That my friends is how I came to be

Loving in all ways,

Including the love of me.

Angel Snow


Snow is falling,

********ever bright,

*************Sparkling in the moon’s light.


Forever ago

*******there was no snow,

**************all I felt was woe.


Now it falls,

*******like an angel,

****************filling me with smiles.


All I see

******when the white flakes fall

************** is a piece of heaven’s moment.

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