Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “Baby”

The Story of a Baby on the Way


It’s starts as an itch as you pass one. Their bright child eyes looking up at you, helpless…and yet happy beyond compare. You can’t help but to smile back, and wish somehow, you could see the same world they saw. The one where villains stayed in books, and the heroes always won. With love conquering all.

For that is what a child sees. They see love, and they share it with you even if they don’t know who you are.

So here you are, stuck watching that child wave goodbye, and that small piece of happiness you had for a moment vanishes into the brightly lit sky.

You wander through your life, going to work and doing your job, talking to friends and family, and suddenly it hits. Babies seem to be everywhere, in the store, the vet, or in the street. It doesn’t matter where, you just seem to notice them. Like a little  happy disease following you around, their eyes are always on you…smiling.

So you go about your day, worried you’ll be alone for the rest of your life. You toss and you turn in bed, wondering, when am I going to find the one?

So you imagine little “you’s” and how small their hands will be in your palm, and yet…you don’t actually know. You’ve never held a baby yourself, but all you can feel is this raging happiness when you see one, and a simple tear when they go. You want to show them the good in the world and shield them from the bad. Even if they aren’t your kids, you still wish to be like their dad. So on you go, venturing forth into the unknown, waiting for the day they call a wedding to you.

You feel the love of a lovers kiss, and then again you think of this. The babies are swirling in your head, and yet it doesn’t make sense. Why on earth would a baby be of as much importance as this. Babies are hard work, they pee and poop, and sometimes they like to spit up, and cry without a break. So you go along your way, scared of the day, when your wife is pregnant with your son on the way.

You panic and sometimes want to bolt out the door, when you see her scream with raging deplore. She is needy and consistently sick, you don’t understand what has happened in this. So you wait out the months thinking it won’t get worse, but the delivery room brings chaos and a hell of a big hook.

You fear for her safety, and wonder if it was all worth the wait, to see the look on her face, that’s when you’ll stay. Holding that baby for the first time, is like heaven sent to earth. All Sublime. You cannot hold that baby close enough for comfort, you wish to spread joy and smiles among his life, and never let the villains take his might. So you smile with your wife, and sing a song to the tot, and there you find happiness….there you found God.

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