Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “Fairytale”

The Story of the Galaxy Key

156892971This is a story of a girl, who vanquished the land of evil lore. She searched far and wide for her hearth, but found it in her birth. For as she stopped, inside her head, she rested and believed the journey was dead. “No more can I face the sorrows of the world when there is endless tomorrows.”

And like a gift, wrapped in a box, something glowed from the palm of her mosque. She looked down upon it with wonder, and soon she realized it and pondered. It was her beating heart in hand, glowing ever brightly, a smile escaped her, she took a stand.

“This is the secret to the universe, I must cherish it for eternity onwards.” So there she found, in her own room, the galaxy’s key to blissful eternity. For we must look within in order to sow, the seeds of life that replenish our souls. Her smile cost nothing dear, and her heart forever fluttered here.

This was the story of a galaxy meeting, one forbidden by contradiction and meaning. But look within the heart you have, and a galaxy you shall hold in your hand.

The Story of a Feared Storm

1612011-bigthumbnailI looked out the window.

Snow covered the land. Nothing green or brown in sight. I raised my hand to the glass, and felt my fingertips melt away the ice. The snow was soft, but with the air blowing in a harsh wind, the world around me looked menacing.

With a sigh I sat  back down, and cuddled deeper into my blankets. The candle was lit of vanilla frost, and all was quiet with just the sounds, of the creaking house with the force from the wind.

“One Day,” I said as I looked past the pane, “One Day I’ll brave that storm.” And I knew it had more to do with my soul, than just a simple walk in the dark.

“Why not today?” said the voice inside my head and I cringed upon hearing it.

It was too cold to go outside today. Maybe tomorrow or the next…

“You are not living.” said the voice.

I knew that it was right.

Scared of the world and what it brought, I didn’t want to face the freezing temperatures. The day was filled with endless possibilities, and I spent it nestled inside.

“I don’t like the cold, I want to stay warm. It’s the way I feel comfortable. Heat is my friend, and it shall never end, the cold that lingers outside.” I tried convincing my conscience, but it didn’t pay heed to me.

You are staying the same, not growing, and you’re doing more damage than me. Why can’t you live unafraid, face the toils of the day. Brave out your storms, no matter the cost, for within you, you have been lost. Strength and growth only come when you battle sin. So take a stand and challenge yourself. Enter the darkness of your true self.”

And there it was, so simple and true. I hadn’t realized I had any clue. But now I know the storm outside, is more than what I see with mere eyes. I took a step up and braced the door, entering a world of fears no more.

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