Story of the Day

The Life of a Lost Girl. The Story of How She Found Herself.

Archive for the tag “God”

To Know and To Love

couple-in-loveWe should be thankful for the times that we have loved. Naturally, the heart isn’t a forbidden place, but through our hard times in life, it’s hard to venture into love and give that precious treasure away that you keep safe.

In our lives we are given opportunities to love. Loving our friends, family, strangers on the street, actions, motions, and even ourselves. The one that is hardest, is to love someone who might not love you back. Maybe an old lover, someone you just met, or a man you have too often obsessively thought about for the last ten years.

I know, it’s hard to let your heart out to those who have hurt you. I used to continuously hide it away and pretend like nothing ever happened, that my feelings aren’t involved. But today, I realized something. I had a dream about my Ex, someone I had been with for four years. No, I didn’t and still wouldn’t want to get back together with him, but he holds a special place in my heart. He’s shown me that love can be short, but it can be real. We both changed, and it’s okay to love someone with all your heart for a little while, but still love them from afar remembering that they changed you too.

So my thoughts ventured on, wondering why I had seen the movie, “Love, Rosie” for it was a movie that represented my love life with a man I had fallen for terribly. Best friends, but timing just wasn’t right, but now I see, that the love was right for that moment in my life to show me what I could feel for someone. even though we will never be together I’m happy to have found him. Now he is different and we have both moved on, and I love the old him.

That’s the thing about love. It doesn’t have restrictions. You love who you love. There is no changing that. Ever!

It comes unnaturally, at times we don’t expect. To be honest I’d rather have loved someone with all my heart than never at all.There is a moral in this story. The moral being that no matter who loves you. No matter who has changed, if it was you or them, loving gives you a glimpse into God. We must accept that love isn’t always right, or that you might love someone who no longer exists. But use that love to find the right love. Use the love you’ve had to know that in the future, you’re going to love someone even more.

Don’t let a few mess ups screw with your head. We are beings of love and even though it might seem like the world is out to get you, or your love life is cursed, just keep loving and someday God will put the right person in your life.

But be patient. Focus on yourself and just keep loving all that you encounter. And don’t let the fear of being hurt get in your way.

I love you, and keep fighting for your heart,

A. Willow

The heart is naturally a forbidden place.

Love isn’t naturally a forbidden place.

A Message to Trust

We are all victims to the unknown. We’ve all dealt with pain, all dealt with sorrow, anger and even death. The truth is, we are creatures of questions. We want to know everything before it happens, but how could we ever learn if God made it that way. We are blessed with hints here and there, feelings that arise to tell us if something is right or wrong. We fall to our own disasters. We can keep choosing to fall down the road of pain and hurt, or we can take the hints God gave us and use them to find a happier fate. We must have faith that someday, our sad experiences and open but healing hearts will see something magnificent. We aren’t living this life just to play it out and have it end. There is a purpose, a meaning to each and every soul on this earth. It just takes the heart to find, the courage to unwind our fate, and jump into faith.

You can do it, because I and God believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself.


A. Willow

The Ways of Rain

Tears fall like clouds of sorrow,

Raining down upon my head.

All I want is to burrow.

Beneath the earth I should be safe,

And Yet, there is hate.9256174283_87d1487679_b

Inside thyself I feel the pulse

Of something Other that just wants to burst.

“Stop” I cry, “Stop it now!”

But its too late,

My heart soars to the sky.

There I see the sorrow in me,

And upon the heavens that did look down.

They sing, “My child, my child, why do you go about

Hating yourself and filling with doubt?”

I smile back at the angels above,

“I’m human, there is no other way.”

They look at me and laugh their beautiful song,

“Love is the way of all things this day.”

Without another word they send me back down,

To the place where I can be found.

Both between Heaven and of Hell.

Now I see my ways,

Now I see me.

And That my friends is how I came to be

Loving in all ways,

Including the love of me.

Same Old Song — Carry On

Not much to say, besides…watch out for yourself.

You’re grow’n up fast, faster than most.

We can’t live the same life,

We never could’v been stress free.

So let go of your troubles

And bow down to the wind.

For it will carry you

Upon faith’s wing.


Our own Choice


This segment of blogs is coming to an end. I’ve made it clear that choices aren’t meant to be taken lightly and that we choose to be who we are every single day. But today I want to share with you why. Why is our choices we make right now, more important than any other choices we are going to make or have made.

The reason is it’s in the Now. There is no other existence but right now, this moment, where you see, can hear, and breathe in the air. You can choose to shut your eyes…right now, you can choose to listen to those nearest you, you can choose to walk away.

So what is so important about this, and our choices? The fact that we are given freedom to think and choose is a blessing. We don’t always get our way, and most of the time life isn’t fair, but we can choose to still be happy, to fight and figure out what we really want in life.

God didn’t send us here to tell us that fate overrides all else and we don’t have a choice in the matter. We weren’t made for destruction of that kind. Instead we have a voice, to spread the love that we choose to feel in our hearts every day. So get up out of  that dreary bed, open the curtains, let the sunshine in and say “Today is going to be a glorious day!” And I guarantee you, that if you choose Cto do this, it will be.

Because no matter what happens, no matter what obstacle life puts on our track, Today is going to mean something wonderful because you chose for it to be so, you chose to be happy no matter what.

And that is the Choice-. The greatest blessing to have love and find happiness no matter what life throws at you. I love you all and wish you the very best from the bottom of my heart.

A. Willow

Story of Fate and Choices

sunset-fem-with-red-veilFor now that you grasp the story of fate,

You know that choosing is wise.

So holdfast to your heart,

and songs of love,

and don’t ever

close your


Choosings of Fate

The Choice is yours…

Are you up for the task.

Choosing to be oneself,

With the wings of fate.

Days we live in precious time,

and yet we can’t be late.

For today is the choosing of endless time,

That decides your fate.

What Choice we Do have

A choice is what we are given.

To choose to be me,

We aren’t set in our ways with the wind of fate.

We Choose day by day

Choosing to find the harmony and love in our time.

Nothing is exactly set in stone,

so please learn how to love.

and grow, grow, grow.


The Choice


A choice is all we are given.

To choose to be who we are,

To set our ways.

Choose to be your day.

Choose to find the harmony of love.

Nothing is set in stone,

But we choose to love.

More to Me….


Much, much more.

To think, that maybe one day I’ll be more.

To think that today is the start of it.

One thought

One wish

Doing is never out of the option

Doing is the only way.

Stop fighting yourself

Stop the negative mind.

You see what you want,

You seek God.

Open your eyes to the stars above

Open your eyes to the love of God.

No more shouting out in the dark,

No more crying eyes that do part.

You are the person you want to be.

You believe in you…

And that’s all it takes.

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