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Archive for the tag “Halloween”

Dancing with the Devil

Halloween is a time to scream.

Into the darkness you fall,

wondering if you’ll come out at all.

Demons haunt your dreams7982329_f260

and reality has become mean.

Spinning in circles until your dead

from the inside of your head.

The screams of tomorrow haunt the silence

forever ago there were no giants.

Now they loom over your dead body

Filling you with woe and a chance to show,

the inner demon you have been hiding.

Wanting to dance like a savage about,

get up and feel the blood curdling your doubt.

You mix reality with your death,

and soon you are meant for the devil’s breath.

You falter from heaven and enter the gate

to hell you’ve gone, and now its too late.

The imp inside you splashes blood about

smiling a grin that will turn you cold no doubt.

Now you find that stake of yours,

and shove it into a man’s arms.

He screams and cries,

yet you don’t open your eyes.

The devil has your heart

as your dreaming…in the dark.


This was a little Halloween poem of falling to the darkness. Hope you liked it, but remember, you can always find the light again!

A. Willow


73c52d72e38b27b8f430ce496d1bbbfd.709x1000x1Halloween, A time reminding me of the ghosts of my past. When I was sinking in the darkness and demons haunted  my thoughts. There were no lanterns or lights from houses, just a time where I curled up and feared the monsters in my life.

Depression isn’t pretty, and it feels as though you are in a horror movie your whole life. There is no escape in the pits of the sadness, no way to climb the deep hole that you fell into. Goblins mock you above and shout shrilled screams. You cover your ears crying from the fear of the witches circling you, the devil coaxing you, and the beasts grabbing you.

I felt hallow. Empty from the inside, but feeling fear all around me with the blood curdling screams of tomorrows.

Halloween. Its a reminder that I am above fear, above the fake pain that comes from the brain.

I now can see the pumpkins as I pass the houses, the kids on the street dressed as cats and Katniss. It’s a loving time for families to celebrate together, not a time to dwell in the dark and fall to the negative forces in the world.

Don’t give up my friends. Halloween is a reminder of how strong you really are. Fear is an object of the imagination. Conquer this fear by knowing you will be okay. Fear is weakness, and fear only comes from not believing you are going to be alright.

Happy Halloween,

A. Willlow

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